If this thing goes through, and I think I can say this without any hyperbole, it will be the biggest boondoggle in the history of the country, perhaps the world.
If this thing goes through, and I think I can say this without any hyperbole, it will be the biggest boondoggle in the history of the country, perhaps the world.
Simple, because the US government would need to destroy or wall off private land, along with staffing it with people to watch over and monitor the wall. They absolutely could not have a situation where they are leasing the land from private citizens for that. So, they would need to buy it, and most ranchers do not…
He’s already claiming in his press conference in Philly that the cancellation was mutual. Fucking Christ, almighty.
From this point on, the Mexican president will be the focus of any “failures” related to the wall by Trump. He’ll pin whatever issues come up on Nieto, and people will fucking eat it up.
I’ve been seeing a ton of Trump supporters (mostly not in or from Texas itself, of course) loving how great the wall will be, and refuse to admit that it will destroy the livelihoods of the various ranchers who depend on river access. That, and it would also involve massive land grabs through eminent domain, as most…
“Four touchdowns in a single game.”
I don’t think anyone Trump could replace him with could handle the job. Press seems to smell blood in the water, and it’s looking like anyone he puts in there will have trouble.
And he’s still after the popular vote, spreading the lie about 3 million illegal votes.
SNL should bring in Key and Peele as regulars so they can play Luther and Obama. I bet whatever we got from them would be pretty close.
I do sincerely worry the GOP’s endgame is Gilead, by way of 1984.
One thing comics taught me is that there are three things it is always ok for a superhero to kill without regret. Robots, zombies, and Nazis.
My Italian American grandfather fought in WWII, and despised the Nazis and fascists in Italy till the day he died. He never talked about what he saw during the war, but it always seemed like it affected him a lot. I like to think if there is an afterlife, he saw this, cracked open a ghost beer, and had a good laugh.
This is not the first time I’ve seen this exact same thing said by Trump supporters. I got into a pretty big argument with someone I know late last year, and couldn’t believe they had gone that far off the edge.
I see complaints like that all over news articles by right winger parents. Plain and simple, these assholes are once again voting against their own interests.
God damnit, you beat me to that one. Bastard. hah
Edit: Sir_Stig beat me to it.
I am a fan of Helder Camara’s quote on poverty. “When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist.”