
gah! I had to talk my wife out of seeing this one asshole doctor ever again after she went on this screed about how she (my wife) needs to stop taking her medication and instead go to church. That if she went to church, she would be find and not need to take her pills anymore. That she wasn’t really sick. She was

Cracked had a great article on this assholery today.

I’ll be the stick in the mud, but if HL3 (hypothetically) ended up being some crazy “VR exclusive,” it’ll be a hard pass for me. I have trouble with both 3D movies and VR (headaches, nausea, etc...), so it would effectively be unplayable to me.

It’s fucked up. I keep seeing the occasional diehard asshole talk about how fucked up the education system is in the country, all because it’s all a liberal conspiracy to raise their kids to be dumb PC libertards. So what do they want? To gut the whole thing and replace it with god and propaganda. Fucking Christ

Holy shit, that straight up sounds like something Mallory Archer would say.

Looks like his rape fact. I am not trying to make a joke here. It’s just so inhuman and creepy. Like, the look Patrick Batman has in American Psycho.

heh I’m actually originally from Long Island, but have lived in TN since I was kid. I used to regularly visit relatives up North for awhile, but not so much the past 10 years, or so. I like to think I’ve seen all sorts of assholery on both sides of the divide, but just very different types.

Np at all. You’re very welcome.

Totally. Jason Aaron is a phenomenal writer, and the comic itself is this great brutal crime comic. Has a sort of southern exploitation feel to it. It feels like a comic written by Bill Hicks almost, in that Aaron has a similar love/hate perception of where he grew up.

As a southerner, I find it disgusting that so many of my brothers and sisters continually treat the flags and names of people who did not want to be Americans anymore with almost holy reverence. We lost, we deserved it, and it’s better to leave whatever “legacy” the Confederacy gives us in the trash. The fact that so

It just baffles me. How can a group of people be so obsessed with being able to defend us with enough weapons to kill every person on this planet a hundred times over, just not give two shits about the actual health and well being of the population? What’s the point of living if it’s from paycheck to paycheck, and

“But we’ll have fucking awesome tanks, jets, and bombs!”

My brother and his family finally have health care thanks to the ACA. Both him and his wife work their asses off at shit jobs for low pay and crappy benefits, so the ACA was a fucking godsend to them and their kids.

I like to imagine he’s ranting from atop a penny farthing over that one.

My first thought when reading the interview was, “does he think it’s 1895, or something?”

Yeah, “high quality” is a petty standard term in the intelligence community, and is usually a damn good rating it seems.

They have many achievements!

Gah V is the fucking worst. Butchered the entire point of the original work. God damn travesty.

Yeah, it read like a bad AV Club article.