I honestly don’t think he has it in him to actually do the job. It’s so insanely stressful and demanding, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to eventually step down due to “health concerns” leaving us... oh God... Pence. I need a drink.
I honestly don’t think he has it in him to actually do the job. It’s so insanely stressful and demanding, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to eventually step down due to “health concerns” leaving us... oh God... Pence. I need a drink.
God, I hope so. Maybe all those taco salads have finally caught up to him.
The Stein supporters have been the worst over on Facebook today. sogh
Good luck, man, and be careful.
I need a big drink right now. Double fuck.
I think it says a lot that the only countries outside of the UK that play it are ones that they subjugated for generations.
Losing the remaining Cartoon Network programming is a massive red “X” for my family. Seriously considering just calling it quits now.
Yeah, MGS has always been borderline schlock. Guys that can control bees, psychic BDSM spies, and robot ninjas. Zombies really don’t seem that far out. Lol
I would kill for another Star/Earthsiege game. We don’t get enough mech sims anymore.
I stand corrected. lmao I believe you are correct.
Pretty much. I’ve only had run ins with Libertarians in America, and I count several good friends among their ranks, but I can’t believe some of the shit they pull, and use their political beliefs as an excuse. It’s not unlike some religious extremists I’ve met in my life.
Because every single one I’ve met, friends included, have used their political beliefs as an excuse to treat others like crap and take advantage of them as much as possible. They hold Ayn Rand up like some sort of profit of self absorption, unfortunately. I would love to meet one that isn’t like that, but I’ve yet to…
Leave VR alone!
Really, Libertarian is just code for “excuse to be an asshole to other people,” I’ve learned. :p
And so the death of VR began... and nothing of value was lost. :p
I am so burned out on Rogue, thanks to a friend of mine. You know that friend you had in high school that wouldn’t shut up about Doctor Who? They would go on and on, constantly trying to force you to track down old episodes to see how awesome and perfect the show was? Yeah, I have one of those, but with Rogue.
Another reason to love GoG. lol