
I believe literally all Sierra adventure games are over on GoG. I managed to snag a ton of them during the last summer sale. Plus, no DRM.

I guess that 30 hours beats my 30 odd hours, sadly. :p Look, I don’t care whether or not you enjoy. Lol It’s fine if you do, but I gave it a fair shake, and feel its a grift for them to have the nerve to sell me a glorified tech demo for 60 bucks. It’s not a bad game, but its barely a game in the state it was released

Nah. Sticking around on the planets for an hour or more hasn’t shown them to be all that different. Same houses, just different paint and maybe a fence or lawn gnome or two to differentiate them between one another. It’s fine if you like it, but you don’t have to justify it with me.

They would just walk up to people on the street, promise them a game, then just punch them in the dick and steal their wallet. lol

Everything I’ve seen in the game is simply the same single planet, with a few different coats of paint slapped on. It’s a procedurally generated galaxy game that doesn’t do a very good job at generating the galaxy, it seems.

It’s an incredibly bare bones (barely) game being sold at the same price point as a triple a title. If it were being sold at around $20, I could forgive many of its problems. It’s not, so I won’t.

The makeup gives her face an odd almost doll-like sheen to it. Very uncannny valley.

That’s how I see this whole situation. As far as I know, no official announcement was made about any sort of change to multiplayer. Quite the opposite, in fact. Interviews as recent as a couple of months ago were still promising the ability to interact with other players to some degree.

Yeah, until I see a clear answer on this one, I’m holding off on picking it up. It’s this lack of honest communication that turns me off on certain devs.

That is someone that’ll be getting laid every night for the rest of his life, and he knows it.

“There’s gusts of lead coming up Rua Tonelero.”

As someone that used to be into the hobby, and still keeps up with those that do, if you have a 40K or Warhammer game, the mini guys will buy it no matter what, practically. I’m not sure if it’s a cheap IP, but GW is dead set on pimping out every property they currently own, dead or alive.

It’s a trilby, not a fedora. :p

Solid review, and pretty much my thoughts on the matter. I’m a big TF fan and knew who was who and everything, and I still didn’t get a shit about what I was watching on screen.

Just watched Combiner Wars. Yeah, it was bad. I think I’m gonna pass on the rest of the series. Yeesh.

I don’t care, I’m still free.

My little girl and I thought it was pretty bad. Too much improv + bad script = us wanting our money back. It didn’t help that everyone had built up Holztmann as the second coming of comedy, but she came off as Ace Ventura with a proton pack. It was... not pretty.

You forgot option #3. They were too close to the NY border. Zing!

Is... is bulbasaur fucking that tree?

As someone who was really interested in Shroud of the Avatar when it first hit Kickstarter, but couldn’t swing it at the time, anyone here know how it’s coming along?