
There’s also the fact it really doesn’t seem that scary. I grew up exposed to Robocop, Terminator, Nightmare on Elm St., Alien, etc... so when my little girl got into Freddie’s and Spooky’s House of Jump Scares, it seems insanely tame compared to the childhood many kids in the 80's had.

It’s a crap shoot. lol I’ve been friends with total a total spaz that seemed like they wouldn’t end up doing much in life, grow up into an engineering whiz. I’ve also seen the complete opposite happen.

I wonder if this is fallout from the prevalence of ARG’s over the past few years. Not saying they should stop them or anything, just that maybe kids growing up used to things like geocaching stuff for Binding of Isaac and other little gimmicks is making the more gullible kids to find connections where there aren’t any.

Because it’s too scary, or because it’s a ripoff? Ba dum bum! I kid, try the veal!

What? It’s just a picture of a businessman doing business stuff.

The comments sections for the various Let’s Plays were especially toxic after the release, especially if the Youtuber wasn’t playing the game the way it was “meant” to be played.

I’ll admit, I really enjoyed the game quite a bit. I still don’t get the hardcore fans out there, though. It’s a really good story wrapped around fairly alright game mechanics, which is fine, but it’s certainly not Christ in game form.

How dare you have an opinion of your own on what you feel is a valid way to count speedruns! You’re an <insert bad word that makes me sound tough and you not>!


Word. I think it was Arin over at Game Grumps that got me onto the Sonic Twitter account. Whoever is in charge of that needs to design a damn Sonic game. lol

Wait, Carlos Alazraqui voiced Spyro, and you decide the Taco Bell dog is the go to for other things he’s done? What about Garcia in Reno 911!, or Handy Manny? Heck, the man is Rocko from Rocko’s Modern Life, for Pete’s sake.

As the son of a long time landlord, I can certainly agree that is true. My dad has had to deal with all sorts of crap, crazies, and assholes over the years, and he is insanely careful about how he goes about any eviction process. Making sure he’s got his ducks in a row has saved his ass in court a ton of times.

There’s also the seeming attempts at the nascent industry attempting to devour itself in “exclusivity” gimmicks.

Plus, his origin is downright heartbreaking.

VR is dying, if dick moves like this become the norm. This would be like Sony releasing a game for the PC that only worked with Logitech products.

What a country!

I think he stole that from Batman. Well, Batman should have said it at one point, at least.

Same here. My little girl and I loved building stuff together in this.

What a twist!