
I’m not really sure about this. This feels like it could easily escalate to something like doxxing, and that makes me super uncomfortable. Plus, the metacritic thing really rubs me the wrong way. If they don’t wanna play, that’s fine and works as a good form of protest, though.

Yeah, I can definitely see wanting to protest or something, but this is some pretty shady shit here.

When you have a bunch of young angry people with a lot of time on their hands, that’s when the shit hits the fan, for sure.

I got incredibly lucky with a Google today. lmao

lol Glad I could put that up here. It was literally the first image that popped up when I Googled “Doctor Doom Richards!”

Oh, he’s building to it. I guarantee, he’ll be all normal and “hey guys, that’s awesome!” but as soon as Richards pops up, he’ll be all...

Oh hells yeah! My little girl and I love Pinball and Bob’s Burgers, so where are on this like Donkey Kong.

Oh, dear lord! Those things must be like guided missiles to you!

I do find boobs to be incredibly terrifying.

In his mind, man. In his mind!

Some hills just aren’t worth dying on.

Personally, I find great gams an absolute requirement, male or female.

Ohhh nice. heh

New idea for a movie. Whenever you die in a particular Mario Maker level, you die for real. Group of young outcasts get together and try and get as many people as possible to play said level.

Because that’s what a game is. Something that challenges you, you overcome said challenge, and advance forward. That is literally what a game is. lol I mean, if you want to just skip around something for the story, there are movies, books, television shows, etc... Games are a medium where the key components are goals,

Lord knows, I love the lack of feeling of accomplishment or earning something. *rolls eyes*

Fuck your Tie Fighter! I’m Luke Skywalker, bitch!

I’m only about halfway through, but this has been a damn good read so far.

Hell yeah. Just real psyched to see my Superman back in action.

I plan on snagging it for mine after work today. She has been soooo looking forward to this game. lol