I think it’s a different situation with games. With games, they’re an interactive experience that can run you $50-$60, and if word suddenly got out that the ending “sucked” without any sort of context, I could indeed see that hurting sales.
I think it’s a different situation with games. With games, they’re an interactive experience that can run you $50-$60, and if word suddenly got out that the ending “sucked” without any sort of context, I could indeed see that hurting sales.
I love how Marvel seems intent on evolving and aging Peter Parker, save getting him into a long term relationship/marriage. I’m not bitter. Nope. lol
This is very much a smash the keyboard moment. Poor bastard.
Ohhh ho ho ho
heh Much appreciated. :p
Oh, you think being a dick is your ally. But you merely adopted the dick; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see basketball until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but hot takes!
Oh yeah, that’s what made me post it. :p Loved how they worked that into the actual universe while also made it canon discontinuity.
heh I guess there’s that. So what Simon and Catherine ended up doing is the post apocalyptic equivalent of playing paper football at the office until the clock hits 4. :p
Oddly enough, this exists within the Battletech universe. heh
It’s a personal taste, but I value a physical hell over a mental illusion any day of the week. lol
Except they aren’t humans. They’re copies. Shadows. Imitations of the people that used to live on Pathos. I couldn’t even really find myself connecting to Simon or Catherine once everything was revealed. Humanity was wiped out and everything you’re doing in the game is just farting in the wind. Robots are all that are…
I’ll admit, I’m firmly in the WAU camp. The Ark is a joke project meant to create some sort of sad illusion of continued life that will still die out in a few thousand years. Not sure how that’s actually even worth looking into. The WAU is fucked, but it’s at least a chance at some genuine progress and restoration…
I could see that being the case. Marketing departments have enough problems making mistakes like giving away twist endings to games/movies in trailers, so I could easily see that being the case. heh
It’s also been heavily marketed as a horror game, as far as I can tell. Of course, I may be reading into it a bit in that case. Good game for sure, but definitely more haunting and disturbing to me.
Is it weird that I’m not really scared by the game? I find it more sad and depressing (and tense, yes), but not really scary.
That Randy guy is pretty awesome.
My question is...