
Hey! I live an hour outside of Nashville and, fuck it. Yeah, that’s about it.

Now I’m kind of curious what his internet browser history looks like...

John sounds like a total hipster. No normal person would be “delighted” at the site of a hobo pissing in the bushes.

God, you’re an idiot.

Victoria Jackson needs work!

From the few videos of his I’ve seen, he doesn’t really do Let’s Plays. He mostly mugs for the camera and gives exaggerated responses to whatever is happening in the game.

One of the Chinese buffets in my town has some of the best wings ever, hands down. You never know what you’ll find in some places, really.

Oddly enough, Dredd’s costume actually looks like it might be stealthier. :p

I believe it’s more of a difficulty in copyrighting the name Hot Rod, as it’s very generic. Something like Rodimus is much easier to grab on to and keep.

No, no it isn’t. It’s a high speed chase with a... oh, I see what you did there. Ohhhhh...

Recent studies are starting to show that they’re not as useful an alternative as originally thought. They do provide a decent source of protein, but the numbers required would still produce a very noticeable ecological effect. Basically, they’re ok, but not exactly a great replacement it’s looking like.

While he may have been able to secure funding in the past, it looks like a lot of it came from shady tax related breaks and the like. Once he was shut out of those breaks and loopholes, the funding dried up pretty quick.

You are really bending over backwards for Josh here. This problem could have been solved in five minutes. lol I’ve worked crazy nights in several restaurants over the years, and this was just a horrible way to handle the situation.

Back around Halloween, I let my eight year old listen to the audio adaptation on Youtube with me. Scared the hell out of her. lol

In a sea of crap, this creepypasta always stood out as a fine little gem. The ending kind of falls apart a bit, but still pretty solid. I wish the sequel hadn’t been abandoned about halfway through.

Think of the children, though!

That... That blows my mind!

Put together a business plan, and Kickstart that bitch!

You know what Foyada stands for, right? Fix it again, Tony.

If my mom owned a Mountaineer, I would swear that last story was about her.