
Don’t forget that a lot of them rely on exploiting addictive behavior in order to maximize their microtransactions. Then, there’s how they can take advantage of young kids not realizing they’re spending real money to get those in game items and bonuses.

You best not leave out some Christian Slater!

You heard the man! You aren’t a “real” comic fan. Now go watch those awesome Marvel movies, you unfan, you.

I remember a guy calling in to Free Beer and Hotwings one morning complaining about how uncomfortable it made him that people would always offer to buy him meals, drinks, etc... whenever he went out.

Where are the tubes in this thing? Callista! How do I check my AOL here?!?

I have to agree with you 100%. They broke the mold after that game.

While working at a store that rhymes with “Hall Fart” (pssst... it’s Wal-Mart), I had a couple of Massholes visiting TN throw an absolute bitch fit and refuse to buy a camera they wanted, thanks to local sales taxes. Of course, they refused to buy the thing, and I had to flag down a manager to void the sale and open

I used to do computer sales at Dell, and sales people most definitely take advantage of elderly people not understanding what they’re talking about way too much.

Cracked did a real depressing article on that exact topic not long ago. sigh

FYI, here’s the image.

This reminds me of when Tony Danza had to perform to an empty room after his very short lived talk show had issues with water damage. It was very surreal then, and I feel this will be a lot like that.

Sorry. Mural of Reagan. Left that part out.

My town’s local Repub headquarters has this MASSIVE mural on the side of the building. Every day I drive by, I really wish I could stop and paint over the damn thing. It’s this bizarre combination of tacky, ugly, and infuriating.

I’m gonna remember that one.

Honest question here. Was there a photo of the tab thief for employees, or anything? I've worked at a few places that put up a picture of repeat offenders at the bar or server station, just in case.

Yup, it happens. My wife (who is far and away smarter than I am) has constantly been learning new things about food (especially sea food) since marrying me. She just led a real sheltered life and ate lots of Taco Bell, pizza, and bologna growing up, so she just never encountered a lot of stuff that other people take

I've always seen them be pretty hit or miss (with my friends and family, at least). Personally, I love the things. heh

You would be surprised how many I've met that have no idea what a scallop is. I could easily see customers like this thinking it was some type of "special" beef, or something. lol

I would just like to point out that this survey only dealt with 72 individuals actually replying. Kind of not the best poll to be basing much off of.

They have some excellent gameplay videos up, and the game seems to have a solid fast vibe to it. Worth watching.