
We call that the "doody head" defense.

I wouldn't bother with the guy. Looking at his history, and he's just a troll that hops around to different sites.

I wouldn't bother. Obvious troll obviously trolling.

They really are all cool and you're right about Shatner. Kind of a horse's ass, but the man seems to own up to in person. Heh

Meeting LeVar Burton and finding out just how awesome a guy he is was one of the coolest moments in my life. Guy genuinely gives a crap about other people, especially kids.

Quick Addendum: The big problem really boils down to the fact that, in the states at least, a lot of people without any actual heritage use the "I'm 1/16th Cherokee," bit as a sort of, well, badge or fancy pair of shoes. It makes the feel special, or something, and it's just another form appropriation. Most of the

Trust me, when you claim to be 100% Apache, and you may not have any portion of the heritage at all, it tends to piss off those that are actually a part of that tribe.

You would be surprised. In the states, native heritage is treated like a fancy hat to show off by a lot of people, and it's not helped by a lot of families doing little to no genealogical research, and passing off what amounts to urban legends as fact.

Or maybe they were super not racist! Lot of rape involving the natives, back in those days.

Maybe they meant happy people? Maybe? Yeesh

That is a really fucking crazy situation to grow up in, but mobius strip of racism. I absolutely love that term. So horrible, and yet so perfect.

Yeah, I have run into that a lot during my life. There's the slimmest of chances that my family has some Cherokee heritage, but we really have no idea and don't try to claim otherwise. I've always felt it a big disrespect for people that actually do possess some sort of actual heritage.

Damn, that's crazy. See, if these guys would have claimed to be 1/4 or 1/8 or so, I could have believed it, but they claimed to be 100% Apache, which really set my BS radar off (again, with these two). But yeah, like you say, I would fully be prepared to find out I may have been wrong about them, just because I've

Normally, I would do the same thing. I mean, you never know, right? These two, though, they may have had some sort of heritage, but they were about as WASPy as can be. I know, I know, still no guarantee, but I know these guys, and they're pretty bad for bullshit stuff. Still, I'm sure there's a teeny tiny chance I'm

I really love the area, but enjoy every little bit of progress made there so much. I mean, there isn't much, but I'll take what I can get. I'm sort of Bill Hicks about it, I guess you could say.

I know, right? What a coinkydink! It's either Cherokee, Mowhawk, or Apache, it seems.

lol I needed that.

ugh Yeah, don't remind me of that. Just... I always hate running into people like that, that claim they have some insanely small amount of Native American heritage, and absolutely do not.

Don't forget people with 1/63rd Cherokee blood in them. Those dudes are all over the place!

I went to a HS in the south, and yeah, you're probably right about that. We weren't allowed to decorate shit, but I'm sure crosses would have been allowed to fly under the radar.