Ouch... That's... that's not good.
Ouch... That's... that's not good.
It's probably less losing her mind, and more trying to find someone to blame and a reason for why something bad happened.
Yeah, when someone is dead set on blaming someone for something like that (especially if it's themselves), there's really nothing you can do but hope they eventually move on past it.
Hah Awesome. Let him know firefighters are cooler, IMHO.
Actually, there weren't any specific colors banned. It was more stuff like tucked in shirts, no violent images on clothing (skulls and what not), etc... If I've heard correctly, the school went back to the original dress code a few years after I graduated.
It really is. Our dress code got suddenly stricter after Columbine, too... because safety.
Basically, it was just something to make the parents feel safer about everything. Like, only an intruder would be in the building without an ID. That was their logic.
I always get a kick out the rivalry between the cops and firefighters in Reno 911. I like to imagine it's really like that between the two groups.
Columbine happened around my sophomore year. Once I was a junior, they had name tags, too. We started putting stickers on them and shit, but that usually got you detention or suspension.
Well played. Well played.
My thoughts exactly. I guess I'm naive, because I was genuinely surprised so many of them jumped on here so quickly. ugh
To be honest, it turned out better than I originally thought it would.
My wife knows your pain all too well. Best of luck, though!
It's insane, because there are plenty of teachers without a job just desperate to find something (anything!), that would be ten times better than her.
That's sweet. Hah
Oh lord! Sadly, I can see Kevin from The Office playing a child porn perv. Yeesh.
That is so... weird. Like a bad bait and switch, really. I still miss Stabler... *sniff*
Ice-T could narrate the phone book and I would listen! Wait... wrong meme.
I missed it. How bad/good was it?
It was pretty much that... heh Some of us literally did do just that, just to fuck with them.