
While in college I worked at the local Wal-Mart and the company is absolutely bananas about micromanaging every single fucking aspect about how their employees work. It's utterly insane and is one of the major factors contributing to the sheer misery that everyone there experiences. At one point, they had us carrying

Tip 3: Profit!

My class got a surprisingly excellent discussion about topics like this from our 8th (maybe 7th?) grade biology teacher. Didn't split us up into gender, or anything. Of course, we had a bunch of shits in the class, so the conversation tended to get derailed. Still, though, props to my biology teacher for the effort.

I used to be constantly surprised by what I see banned from the app store. A lot of legitimate apps with good support from excellent creators, and they still get banned for violating some obscure (or not so obscure) part of their terms and conditions.

I'm really not surprised about this. Apple is notorious for really just not making sense in what they ban (apps like this) and what sticks around (plenty of knock offs of other games/apps).

Oh, dear lord. Hawt!

I would rather have that than another Far Cry (not a big fan of the series), but it's not implying that I want all games to be Blood Dragon.

If written well enough, yup. Of course, no one here is saying all games should be Blood Dragon...

Hey, they have every right to name their burger whatever they want. Just like customers have every right not to go there. Good to hear they apologized and did some good with the money.

10-4, rubber duck.

IIRC, they did announce plans to do another, yah.

What, you mean all gamers aren't horny 13 year old boys?

I just want another Blood Dragon!

I still see no problem with the design. You know the old saying, right? Pick two. Sexy, protective, or sexy. You can't have all three.

But, I bet it's armored to protect her most important bits and pieces!

The one from the 60s show was real... real bad ass.

I think the post is more about how the Mossad are insane bad asses.

Thanks. I hadn't thought about the call to the mother like that. Jeffrey Dahmer is a good comparison. Fucked in the head, but clearly understands right from wrong and should be punished accordingly.

For me, I have a long history of dealing with serious mental illnesses in my family, and I just get so tired of people associating what could be just a fucking pos with people that have real problems. From personal experience, a lot of the truthers are "delusional," but not in a way that would constitute real mental

Oh shit. I needed that. Thanks for the good laugh. Hah