
In this case, yes. I don't care how barbaric it may make me sound, but that's how it is for things like this.

Sorry, but you're barking up the wrong tree. First, the level of mental illness you are assuming he has is a lot more rare than most people believe. If he's capable of planning shit like this, he's probably not that far gone. He's more than likely a piece of shit that tries to blame the government for his life

Not in this case. There are simply lines you don't cross. There is no way this guy is so far gone he cannot differentiate between right and wrong. He deserves whatever comes his way.

I do like the idea that aliens just like fucking with us, though. heh

Normally, I'm all against violence as an answer. I'm proud of the fact I've managed to talk my way out of a few fights in my life, but also I'm a dad. If someone had done this to a memorial for my daughter, I would find him and put the boots to him medium style. Just reading this makes my fucking blood boil so much,

I'm still waiting on a new Eternal Champions and a Weapon Lord sequel. Those games made you work for it!

Actually, I think your comment was what jump started my brain. Lol

Damnit! I actually apologize for my snarky tone. I totally misread your initial post. Ugh

More like, "Penis Mighty Small!" Heyooo!

They literally think that women's tiny little brains cannot process things like numbers. Fuck me.

Your point?

This is a perfectly cromulant article!

You just made my day. Ahaha

Well, I'm sure she does, based on how you sound in that post. Heh

Hey, farts are awesome. :p

I agree that it's this sort of trap a lot of people fall in. That some people just think they do have that inner parent and jump right into it without any real deep thought about what they're committing themselves to.

I like to think so. Heh

Awww that's a great quote. Gonna have to use that. Hehe

And I used to be an English major. Lol

Huh huh "swallow meat." I'm sorry. Couldn't resist.