
That is pretty bad. Lol I guess by that logic, Idris Elba is an African American from England?

Awwwwww man....

awwwww That's so sweet. hehe

Before meeting me, my wife was on her own, and she admits that there were times when she really regretted the hell out of having my step daughter when she did. To be honest, I completely understand why she was so resentful. Her douche of an ex had basically brow beat her into getting pregnant, and then kicked her and

hah I was kind of like that at one point, as well. My parents always burned the hell out of steaks/burgers growing up, and I thought that's how it just was. Then I got daring and ordered a medium rare steak in a restaurant at one point, and the blinders were off.

It's rare, but I have honestly heard that from a few couples, and not in a joking manner. It was very clear they were at their wits end and weren't sure what to do. We're lucky, I'll admit. We have a good support network in case we have any issues we need help with (and we have), so I can understand how some people

Oh god , of course not. I'm sorry if I implied otherwise. A couple of good friends of mine have a sweet kid that is also damn bonkers at the same time. I'm not sure how I would handle that. It just bothers me to hear so many parents make such a definitive "never have kids," statement. Every case is different.

But what about his feelings?!?

I am so glad I waited to have kids. Like, I thought I was ready before meeting my wife, but I was soooo not. Would not have gone well.

Sadly, I've seen that happen to the kids of a few relatives and friends. It sounds horrible, but I hope for the best but prepare for the worst. All I can do is hope my wife and I do our best, and see what decisions our daughter makes.

Just saying some people are not meant to have kids. Just not wired that way, and they end up getting pressured into it or thinking they're ready for it. Not everyone is the same.

My wife sounds a lot like you. I've never been a "party person," but my wife was pretty wild person before we met, and I think it helped her be ready, so to speak. Lol

Totally. I have two friends that are an amazing couple and super great people, but they absolutely do not want to have kids, and they're probably right. Thankfully, no one has tried to put that sort of peer pressure on them in our group.

To be honest, I'm just 90% messing with you at this point. I'm so sorry. I just couldn't resist heh

I honestly couldn't imagine life without my little girl. There's the occasional bad moment, but the good times far outweigh the bad. I can see her growing up and turning into a cool and wonderful person every day, and know the world is a better place with her in it. Anyone that says they regret having kids were never

Exactlty. So if a cow is going to die, may as well do it right. As for the taste, it's not subjective. More flavorful, juicier, and easier to cut. Better. If you like steak, medium rare or rare will taste better. If it doesn't, then you don't like steak, I guess.

FYI, in TN we hand out sleeveless t-shirts and Wild Turkey at Halloween. It's true.

Heh Nice.

I think it's because a cow died to make that steak, so eat that shit right.

Is it true that you hand out potatoes on Halloween in Idaho?