That's awesome he realized he was being kind of a douchenozzle there and is all cool now. heh
That's awesome he realized he was being kind of a douchenozzle there and is all cool now. heh
Really, that is the best way to unwind after a bad day. Juicy/bloody burger and a drink help with anything.
Gay bars get all the cool names.
Dear lord, that's terrible.
I want that shirt so badly. Also, dang. I thought I had a good idea.
At first I thought maybe Amazon had picked it up for their Prime stuff, but it's not there either. You know what the worst part is? They haven't released the series beyond season seven or so on DVD, so Netflix was the only place you could watch any episode you wanted on demand.
lol My wife is like that. She always has to have any burgers, steaks, etc... burned through entirely. Every night I cook at home, I just stare at the meat and think, "what a waste." Hank unapproved indeed!
I always wanted to start a construction worker themed gay bar called the ManHole. I'm awesome at business.
I miss it on my Netflix. It was the one show my wife, daughter, and myself could always agree on watching together. *sniff*
Reminds of a radio interview I listened to awhile back where the host was interviewing an Aboriginal Australian about something, but kept using the term African American. Fuck me.
No, she means foots. They literally pack the ingredients into cat foots and then ship them to market.
Can I join in? I could bring along my erlenmeyer flasks... Bow chicka wow wow
A stoner friend of mine from high school used to smell like he bathed in that shit.
I would totally watch a show on the Disney channel called, "That's SO Canadian!"
I wasn't too jazzed about it to begin with, so I'll probably skip it. Movies are expensive enough, anyway.
I try my best. ;)
heh I just got lucky with that one.