
I know it goes against everything the Girl Scouts stand for, but my daughter started selling cookies this year, and I would go absolutely ape shit on a guy for treating my wee one like that.

Once a radio station gets involved, I usually give it an 80% chance of being a hoax.

Hey, I don't like either, but I would have to stop everything I was doing if I heard that movie existed. I'm not proud of that, though. It's just who I am.

hah Aren't you just a little bit curious? Kind of like a really bad car accident on the side of the road...

Am I the only one that would pay good money to see THAT home video?

Actually, IIRC, the romantic aspect of the holiday goes back to the 14th century or so. I could be wrong, but I don't think that's too new.

"Let future us handle it. Let it be those guys problem."

Not just an alien, a Jewish alien! :p

I don't know... They may be blinded by the sheer sexiness of Elba's, and not be able to do anything.

A lot of people really just don't get how brilliant a director he can be. He really is a master of the satire.

God will get you for that, Jmo.

Zoe Bell

East Hollywood?

I thought it was "Great Muppet Caper" or whatever? Either way, yeah, they've been married awhile.

As a parent, I can honestly say I would go fucking nuts if I were ever accused of something like this. Just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach and brings up all sorts of rage. Of all the things that I could be accused of, the two worst that always come to mind are rapist or child molester. I honestly can't

Ah ha! Now, my job here is done!

Jackass sounds like a boss I used to have. ugh

heh My wife is tiny enough that she has absolutely no problem finding matching outfits for her and our daughter.