Oh. my. god. I honestly would have locked up like you. Just, what do you say to that?
Oh. my. god. I honestly would have locked up like you. Just, what do you say to that?
Weirdly enough, when I see the last name it makes me think of the flukeman from X-Files. That episode really got to me when it came out, and the word was ruined forever.
I know, right? You'd think us nerds (who do typically love 80s music... a lot) would have gone that route.
Ugh First Wives Club.. Would have preferred a quote from something more like Death Proof in regards to Rush...
Whelp. Gonna have to hit Netflix after work for some Office binging.
Oh, man. You have just given me an idea. I am so going to have to get my dad to start watching that, if only so he can start talking about it with people at work.
You just made my day.
Ohhhhh ho ho ho. That's nice.
Oh damn. Had they done that, my head would have exploded. Maybe not "Yellow Brick Road," but I could totally see my friend breaking out into "Africa." I'm gonna have to tell him he missed a great opportunity. Moo hoo ha ha
Oh, yeah. I'm sure her eyes widened to anime character levels when she heard. hehe
Sometimes, it really pays off to have knowledge. If only to be able to laugh at moments like that.
Oh, dear lord. I would have fallen out of my chair after hearing that. hah! I love it when someone uses a term like that, totally innocent of the usual meaning. I live in TN, so the Vols are super big here (surprise), so you'll see lots of female fans with bumper stickers that read "T Girl." Just... yeah... I know…
I actually really regret the shit he caught from the fans after staring in the first GI Joe movie. The film was terrible, but after seeing him in other films, it was not his fault. He's a pretty cool dude and not a half bad actor either. Really wish they hadn't killed him off in the second. sigh
The cheese must flow!
Back when I worked at Wal-Mart years ago we had a store manager that said pretty clueless things quite a bit. One night, during the store meeting before third shift, he proceeds to make a bad joke. No one laughs. The manager with him makes a joke a few minutes later that's actually pretty funny, so we all laugh. The…
Shit. I forgot he was in Dune. I always just have the image of Sting in that set of future briefs when I think of the movie. I love that movie, but that single image just took over my brain like some sort of virus. heh
hah Awesome. I was at a con with several friends one year when myself and another almost got run down by Brad Dourif. I had a similar reaction and was just like, "That guy, I know him." I figured he was another attendee from my town, as a lot us seem to go to cons. The buddy I was with is a bigger LOTR fan than I am…
Yeah, he's deleting comments that shoot down his troll crap.