
Ugh This is drivel. Animals and primitives are better, my ass. Because they never war or kill or whatever. It's that kind of simplistic thinking that really bugs me with. May as well have had Superman fighting off humanity while they invade Pandora in this thing.

Heh Yeah, the company that made the knock off is super shady. The original game is pretty awesome.

Yeah, that name confusion was something they were counting on, sadly.

I'll have to see Jay Pharaoh's bit, as I think Keegan-Michael Key has a version of that too, from his MadTV days.

I've never seen his stuff on SNL. All I know him from is Good Burger and All That... Didn't really care for him then, though.

I fully intend to be cryonically frozen (yeah, yeah, I know), and want them to do the same to me. That way the future that wakes me up gets the right idea about me down town, and the cold tends to make things... less majestic.

Nice. Next time I visit family up there, I'll have to check it out. heh

Wait...if that's for real, that sounds amazing.

Wait...if that's for real, that sounds amazing.

It's really not worth arguing over anymore. Some things are, but this just isn't. I'm backing off.

More about the inherent racism in the joke, but what do I know.

Yup, every day the world gets a little better. Even the smallest step helps restore my faith in humanity.

Thank you. Just... thank you.

No, your joke was just the issue. My wife heard a lot of the same information from her OB, and I'm not expert on Japanese cuisine, but aware of a lot of the basics at the least.

Oh yeah. My wife's OB told her the same thing, more or less. It was more the cavalier little joke that kind of rubbed me the wrong way a bit.

A joke your doctor seemed to go along with, if I'm reading it correctly.

Japanese women may not eat sushi while pregnant. It's not like it's the only thing available to eat there. That's like thinking Italian women must eat nothing but pasta during their pregnancy.

Sadly true. I'm not a religious person anymore (more of a deist now), but it really hurts me to see all these people claiming to be Christians, and they don't have the slightest idea of what it should mean to be one.

I've known several Church of Christ members that make Jack Chick sound sane about Catholics. ugh

Roughly 80% of it seems to be, though.