Technically correct is the best kind of correct. To the bureaucrats of the year 3000, at least.
Technically correct is the best kind of correct. To the bureaucrats of the year 3000, at least.
heh I would have liked that one. Not sure if you saw, but I edited my initial response, and do agree with ya on thinking it over a bit. Still, grinds my gears when I see articles like this.
Totally. It's not even a part of any real versions of the bible. I remember being raised Catholic and hearing about this from the occasional parents of friends (I was raised in the south, to boot), and I was just like, "Umm... where are you finding this again?"
You and my bi-polar mom. heh
Edit: I do agree with you that it is "technically correct," but that doesn't make it any less terrible a title, yeah. The title should be, "Educated Woman Who Drink Have Better Behaved Kids," but that wouldn't have the zing of what they put up there, but I get ya.
Not box wine, though.
No, you're not missing anything. Basically, the title is bunk. Grade A bunk, I says.
The definitely strike me as belonging to the camp that believes that wealth=God loves you, so I'm really not surprised by anything like this, sadly. I honestly would like to know if they donate any of the money they make off this crap to some sort of charity or anything. Probably not much, I'd be willing to hazard.
I'm not a big fan of guns, but that... that got me a little hard.
That seems to be the case with the few bad reviews I've read about it. Just people that can't let themselves have fun and be a wee one again. It's just so full of joy and hope and so silly.
Edit: WEAR what it is. Gah Lame phone.
Not only that, but in an age of Michael Bays and McGs, it's nice to see a movie where what it is on it's sleeve. It's not cynical or exploitative, but genuine and fun. I've learned that the people that hate it the most really just don't get it.
If I had the money, I probably would, too. Make the game come to you...
If I had the money, I probably would, too. Make the game come to you...
If I had the money, I probably would, too. Make the game come to you...
And whats-his-name from Survivor. Hehe
That's one expensive and round about way to play the deadliest game.
Very welcome. :)
I liked the freakout that the Kevin character had on The League one episode when talking about how lucky Rodney was to have a boy. With a boy, you only have one dick to worry about. With a girl, you have everyone's dick to worry about. There's just too many dicks to watch out for. heh