
Just a tad toooooo incesty for my taste.

I think it's pretty cute.

I end up doing stuff like that from simple "wiki walking."

Oh damn. You just got me to laugh so hard at work.

heh Thanks, and back at ya.

Oh no, he is not an exception. He's not a bad person, but has a whole life of dumbass decisions that have led up to where he's at.

It's weird, because he always a little conservative with some social stuff (he was pretty uncomfortable around gays, but not crazily so), but this just came out of nowhere. I lost track of him after he started having some money issues, and then I see him maybe a few months later and there it all was. It's only gotten

Sadly, I've had an extremely similar experience with someone I have known for over a decade now. Roleplayed together, been to con's, hung out, and what not. Suddenly and out of nowhere he starts spouting of similar things on Facebook and in person and it just really broke my heart. He's someone that I used to be super

I have the same problem. Oh, my little girl runs around naked and it's cute, I do it and I end the night getting tasered. Ageist!

hah That's just brilliant!

Two words. Jerry Lewis.

Best episode, too.

I used to (key word is used to here) be friends with a guy years back and we played the MMO City of Heroes together. You could make nearly any super hero you could imagine with the character creation system, and one day he comes in to work complaining about one of his latest creations getting him banned temporarily

Just.. just wha? This really does come out of nowhere. I'm not super familiar with the girl's "work," but damn, this is just bizarre and out of left field.

It really was so bad it's good. If I can ever find it, that shit is going on YouTube.

Back in the 90s my parents produced, wrote, and sometimes acted in a public access show called (not making this up) "Pappy and Doofus." It was, basically, a live action country version of Beavis and Butthead. Two hillbilly characters would sit on a couch and watch country and western music videos, then have madcap

My best friend had a nerf war at his wedding. He and his wife are pretty nerdy (like myself and mine) and had lots of other nice little nerd touches. heh


I thought he looked familiar!

He knows the effect he has on women.