They should replace him with Tim the Bear, now that he needs work.
They should replace him with Tim the Bear, now that he needs work.
Heh Awesome. I'm a huge dork, so my wife and I love being able to share both our interests with our wee one.
My daughter is awesome. She wants both girl and super hero Legos for xmas. Last year it was La La Loopsy and Hulk Hands. heh
The initial reports were off and it looks like she was shot in her face.
Thanks.:) My wife worked real hard on her Sally costume and my Question mask was the hardest part of mine. Fortunately, we're good friends with someone that is a semi professional makeup artist, and he was a huge help. Her costume was basically just cut up random scraps of fabric she glued together, and she did a…
Not many can say they proposed in front of Peter David. The basic idea was "The Question popping the Question."
Oh, you know he does shit like that behind closed doors.
I really feel that Oliver Stone needs to do a biopic on Beck asap. He would be perfect for a guy like this. heh
I'm pretty proud of my proposal, dorky as it was. heh
Best group of misfits... evar.
There was a study not long ago that showed Wikipedia has far fewer errors than various encyclopedias, actually. Still doesn't excuse him, though. Heh
I would put a cool grand on Maddow to win. It would be easy money.
Maybe we need a Dolly equivalent of the Abe Vigoda site?
I think we should start a Church of the Burt & Dolly!
That's the crazy thing. I absolutely hate Mountain Dew, but love Moon Mist so very much. Heh
I need me some Redpop or some Moon Mist right about now. heh
They piped in Faygo. That's what they use to create ICP fans, too.
My safe word is, "banana."
Yeah, I'm the same way. Super duper laid back about sex and sexuality, but I am not cool with people touching me when I don't want it. This is definitely one HH I would avoid. I do realize people knowingly signed up for it, so that's fine for them and all. It's just not my bag.
Yup. I feel the same way about Kanye. I really feel he's got some serious chops, but then he opens his mouth outside of his song... ugh