[Horniness] is my way of life...
[Horniness] is my way of life...
Vulva, not vagina. The vagina is the interior, canal part. The vulva is the exterior including mound, labia, vaginal opening, etc. It’s an important distinction.
Where’s the prison rape joke?
p.s. you guys need to liveblog the Watching of the Peen
She should have taken out his plastic surgeon instead.
The “series of lies” Wheaton mentions refers to an incident from a few years ago, when abusers, Wheaton began recommending people use a blocklist created by a woman named Randi Harper—which, unbeknownst to him, contained a lot of users who were trans or supportive of trans voices. “When I found out, I did everything I…
I know it’s not a popular take around these parts, but I’m going to mourn John McCain.
I’m a very, very happy boy who is very, very loved and I’m very lucky.” Then he paused before adding, “And my dick’s forever hard.”
Mmmmm. If he showed up at my door he’d be boning. *Licks chops*
James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?
My dad just posted on my fb wall, cheer up, have a good day at work (I live in England so it’s morning for me), life will go on <3
Well, in that case, get better at this, America. Jesus.
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I thought Brexit was Bad.....but turns it out it was just the warm up act. I look forward to seeing George A Romero’s vision coming true. The Zombie Apocolypse can’t come quickly enough.
To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:
I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.
To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...
Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.