I was sold on Ewan McGregor’s sex appeal after watching Young Adam.
Trump puts the id in idiot, but this comment isn’t a display of his idiocy insomuch as it is one of his limitless monetization. His email-subscribed supporters get poached enough as is, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re shilling out to the “recovery effort.”
Vika can eat coconut? That’s legitimately terrifying.
This audio ain’t shit. Y’all should listen to the Opie and Anthony interview with Triple H, where H revealed that Trump seriously believed that Vince McMahon died in a limo explosion that was part of a WWE story angle. You’re welcome.
This bill seems unlikely to pass, so these revisions could be a “Why the fuck not?” moment for the Senate.
“Country” = straight, white, Fundamentalist Christian men
He won’t win.
As a mainstream pop culture story, yes, Jezebel did begin the rumors. I’m not talking about what comedians or acquaintances thereof say among themselves, but what is being publicized.
OK, here’s my post, rewritten:
I’m not saying that Stanhope definitely harassed Kirkman, just that I’m factoring a confession from him in considering Jezebel’s allegation that Louis C.K. sexually harasses women. I think some people are reading too much into this though. My overall point is that no one but this site is accusing Louis C.K. of any…
It’s not about whether I believed him. Jezebel is rightly steadfast against sexual assault and harassment, and that a man says it was him in any tone and Jezebel’s response is “Nah” and instead piles onto a supposed suspect they pulled out of their ass is ridiculous.
“The KKK is horrible and I don’t support them in any way, but...” *white acquaintance comically races out of bar and leaves silhouette-shaped hole in glass window*
Lest we forget, it was Jezebel that started these rumors. C.K. has flatly denied them (whether one believes him or not is a separate issue from “C.K. declines to discuss them”). Jen Kirkman has said C.K. didn’t sexually harass her. Doug Stanhope, a well-regarded comic who puts out new material at a fast pace, had…
As a penis haver, some men’s impulses to stick such a valued organ into any hole they find never ceases to amaze me.
We then took a tour through some of Trump’s worst campaign moments because that carcass still has some meat, and what is television but making you relive some trauma over and over again?
Fiction writing is inherently selfish, and I fully endorse this tacky study.
Don’t anticipate the self-anointed Free Speech Street Fighters to come to Hill’s defense.
...arguing that PewDiePie’s propensity for racism—regardless of whether or not he’s racist—hurts the entire video game industry.