
I suspect Dan will be reincorporated despite the show’s finale the same way Will and Grace are reuniting despite theirs: fuck it.

Sorry to be that English snob, but Trump’s trans ban is technically already a policy since he tweeted his endorsement of it as if it was a damn decree. No, these groups will due if his proposed ban becomes law.

White reader perspective: LOL! These people haven’t had a “change of heart,” and just wait until they primary GOP incumbents next year with Trumpists. Tea Partiers were ideologues, but these people are sycophants.

In related STD news, I recently tested negative for HIV, syphilis, and gonorrhea.

Mueller was appointed special counsel in May. MAY.

This is the day Stephen Miller became Communications Director.

Pardon my ignorance, but could this escalate into a defamation suit?

All that needs to be said.

I specifically said that Carlin BEGAN DATING again ABOUT six months after his first wife’s death, and my point is that Oswalt is in love and living his life, so we should wish him well.

To those concerned Oswalt may be “moving on” too fast, keep in mind that George Carlin began dating his second wife about six months after the death of his first and described the experience as “love at first sight,” and acknowledged himself that he feared he hadn’t mourned long enough. But they went on to marry, and

It’s not greedy to work towards and expect a joyful life.

PERHAPS unless Democrats take back both Houses next year, There. Will. Be. No. Impeachment. So. Accept. This. Fate. Now.

Mmmm, leftist greenback boogeyman George Soros was there. Beautiful.

Moxie Crimefighter Jillette

Being acutely aware of the Crowder/Shapiro/Dice/et al. Trumplican online universe, I’m pretty sure only the YouTube Can’t Cuck the Tuck fellows give a shit about O’Keefe’s work, and that’s assuming others even know who he is.

For a man who has fibromyalgia and going on 57 this month, he’s still in remarkable shape, even better than some in their 30's. He’s also very well-endowed, a trait I did not inherit.

Ashley Feinberg posted the video on Twitter a few days ago; I watched it as many times as I did the trailer for Black Panther.

“I can’t keep my hands off them. You can do whatever you want - slip some tongue in Times Square. When you’re a sailor, they let you do anything.”

This seems like a Larry David moment where Banks probably didn’t know The Color Purple was directed by Spielberg, but she was already committed to her speech and chose to not back down, and so her remarks are being interpreted as racist.
