
Where can I send my application?

Thanks, Hollow Log. Now I need a tree stump buddy. :P

Hello. 26, lonely and friendless here, have been most of my life. I couldn’t fathom asking someone to kill themselves. Goodbye.

Jezebel clearly doesn’t follow Chris Evans’ tweets. This endorsement is almost as big a bust as the DNC’s of Tom Perez.

Completely unexpected and unknown level of threat. Is he armed? Is he alone? He’s trying to kill two babies. What is his physical and mental state? If I grab a knife, bat or chair am I bringing it to a gun fight?

“...It can destroy his future ... I get a chance with your help to protect a man from the destruction of the rest of his life.”

Jason, do you mean to tell me that The Young Turks are still kicking around?

Fixed it:

OK, you’re cool.

You don’t watch Dave Rubin, do you?...

Thank you, and certainly. ;)

In no particular order:

Ostensibly, the bill’s purpose is to “provide parents with a document acknowledging the loss of a child,” according to CBS affiliate WTSP-TV. The bill is also not a requirement but an option for grieving parents — an important distinction.

Ladies, your concerns are admirable, but y’all need to let this dumb woman go.

Also, you’ll end up watching one episode because it was on and you were curious, and it’ll become your new Big Show.

The United States is now a Truman Show-esque real time art experiment directed by David Lynch to promote the third season of “Twin Peaks.”

The man had images of nude children that bordered on child pornography under California law, as well as torture/gore images and videos of humans and animals alike. Let’s not “remember the time.” Or as Ira Madison III says, “keep it.”

“If I break everything, I can’t break any more!” Good thinking, Donald!