What’s wrong with “kissy-kissy time”? Let me take a shot in the dark: you have no siblings, do you, Megan? Having siblings close in age kinda’ forces a family to be more open, and so I guess I’m not put-off by situations like these.
What’s wrong with “kissy-kissy time”? Let me take a shot in the dark: you have no siblings, do you, Megan? Having siblings close in age kinda’ forces a family to be more open, and so I guess I’m not put-off by situations like these.
The DNC didn’t anoint her as the nominee: the primaries did.
Tyrus Wong’s death yesterday is as close to Bambi actually dying in space-time as we’re gonna get, a fitting metaphor to conclude this year.
These two need to get laid.
Gay guys can be equally disgusting as there are many of us turned on by “twincest.”
I’d have sex with a naked cowboy.
I’m no size queen - they’re nice to look at, but anything over 8 inches is just too much. OK, just don’t hurt yourself.
Just kidding.
Firstly, I was being sarcastic. I’m obese and gay, so I couldn’t further be empathetic and sexually detached from women than I am now.
Secondly, I’m sorry my sarcasm wasn’t apparent to you (I really am). But I’m just an avatar on the internet to you, and you don’t have to flip a script over a flippant but innocuous…
Deal on your former point. As for the latter, porn is what seeing naked people you want to see is for.
Nope. As I said above, if more realistic women’s bodies are to be shown nude (which I support), then more realistic men’s bodies are to be shown nude too. We don’t get to praise Lena Dunham’s “courage” and be disappointed if we don’t get The Rock’s strudel in return.
Sure... and it was a monster dong. Take it from the gay guy, OK? That thing is basically an equivalent to h-cup boobs. Like you could handle it anyway!
That’s the deal. Most of what you saw is average male. If you want more realistic bodies of women, you’re gonna get more realistic bodies of men.
Maybe you do; the white people I know (myself included) are simply indifferent towards white people jokes, and are especially so in regards to the charge that we have no culture.
*shrug* Gotta be honest: what white person gets upset over being told we don’t have culture? It’s not something I think nor care about.