
Let me guess: it appears smaller on screen than he expected.

Systemic misogyny, what do you know!

Translation: “You’re gonna swallow and like the taste.”

I love her style.

Now playing

Speak for yourself, Julianne. I made it not a minute into this; it’s too cringy. Movie characters in music videos is very dated and awkward. Warner Bros. handling of DC is going from worse to straight-up bizarre.

Instead of being upset, she should feel lucky to have been one of the few women to have fucked the guy before he came to know himself.

It’s my long line ideal.

This will be a guilty pleasure companion piece to Magic Mike in my queer lust movie library...

I inexplicably scored 100%. Whew!

Just. Vote. Clinton.

Dude, we don’t need groups for everything. If you wanna learn more about women’s health issues and participate on it’s behalf, great. But we don’t need a get-together. Just sign up for grunt work of taking calls and knocking on doors, and keep to yourself. And take those damn pins off!

Oh! for butt-fuck’s sake. How about we unite in an anti-Trump “revolution” that involves rallying around our imminent Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton? Because I gotta tell you that this complaint is boring.

Good. Now let’s roll!

Coming to a Senate seat, not you!

Certainly. But “where no man has gone before” is obviously referencing virginal man ass. He needs to be put at ease first, maybe share small talk between drinks followed by kisses and heavy petting. You don’t wanna scare his sphincter shut by immediately introducing a rubber and KY.

An out gay man hurtling through space, boldly going where no man has gone before?...

While I understood it to be purely hurtful, I didn’t consider that I don’t have the context for why they’d be used at all. And I can see why being a “helping hand to the systemic racism and oppression...” isn’t comparable to people I merely dislike, strongly or not. Thanks for helping me with this.