
But I really am curious.

OK, as a white guy I have a question: why are slurs like “plantation/field/[x] slave” or “coon” sometimes hurled at black people from black people? The only other comparison I could think of is when gay people sometimes call other gay people “cocksucker” or “faggot,” and I wouldn’t ever call a fellow queer person

That was unexpected. It really pays to star in Avengers movies.

Opinions like these demonstrate the tightrope walk between ethics and career fulfillment. I’m sure that working with Woody Allen is indeed very empowering: Allen is a Mark Twain-like icon of the American film industry, and is eighty now. So who knows how many more movies he has left in him, let alone years. But Lively

How cool would it have been if the new theme song was nearly instrumentally identical to the original, but David Bowie sang instead of Ray Parker, Jr. And the original could have played into the credits.

Tell Patrick to beat it, Richie! He’s manipulative and selfishly insecure. Your sexy self is way too good for him.

Whether his homophobia informed his extremism or extremism informed his homophobia probably won’t be known. But it’s a real shame that conservatives and liberals alike don’t know how to talk either, and this doesn’t include gun control.

And in fifty years, I’ll have a toucan t-shirt and pants that ride aallll the way up waiting for you.

Righteous rocking, sir! Now I’m waiting on an octogenarian woman’s rendition of My Neck, My Back.

On point. Perhaps Noah doesn’t have as trained an eye on hiring writers like Stewart does. Colbert, Carrell, Koechner, Riggle, Bee, Williams, Oliver...I don’t mean to conflate “correspondents” with writers, but the wealth of talent who’ve revolved in and out of the show is staggering.

I’ve noticed this too. But in his defense, this makes me question the quality of The Daily Show writing staff more than him per se.

Brokaw asked a question, Letterman answered. What do you want?

I like Trevor Noah, but his biggest obstacle is his perspective as an outsider. Stewart spent his last five or so years rallying us as dissenters of Bullshit Mountain, and he’d drummed up solidarity in how we see politics. So I doubt many of us were excited to have a host whose comedy sell is “America, what a

I doubt that. Colbert is still an excellent comedian.

Good question. CBS had originally wanted Neil Patrick Harris as Letterman’s replacement, but Harris turned it down in favor for his NBC variety show.

I love Adele, but this is still a valid point. Visconti seems to be indicting the music industry and not necessarily knocking Adele; he even acknowledged that she’s got great vocals. To me, this would be the equivalent of models being photoshopped: we know they’re naturally beautiful, but that doesn’t stop industry

Serious inquiry: why would it be wrong for a woman to vote for Clinton because she’s a woman? If Samuel L. Jackson proudly voted for Obama because he’s black, why can’t Jamie Lee Curtis say the same for Clinton?

The problem with superdelegates is though they’ve so far endorsed every Democrat with the greatest majority vote, enough could still endorse a candidate without said vote and effectively award them the nomination, and that in itself is a flaw.

To be fair, Clinton preceded that with acknowledging that supporters are mainly women and girls. She specifically mentioned fathers to show that her support is more well-rounded than people may give credit for.

How appropriate is it too that the first woman candidate’s opponent is a man like Donald Trump? I can’t wait to see her deliver his smackdown.