I’m not judging people’s choices, I’m judging people’s wishes for change without action.
I’m not judging people’s choices, I’m judging people’s wishes for change without action.
Damn, dude. I don’t know who you are either, but I was just sharing pieces of my own health struggles, and how they’re shaping my approach to changing them. But you’ve clearly already made up your mind up about me from just the comments I’ve left, so this one certainly won’t make a difference. Best of luck.
I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I’m really glad you’re coping with this the best you can.
I’m not judging anyone, and I’m not saying the changes are easy (believe me, I know). I just believe that they’re more possible than many of us think otherwise.
Thank you. It’s not nearly as difficult for me as it is for my parents, obviously. But it’s given me perspective on sacrifice and hard work, and I’m now working on applying it to my life.
I live in a five-member family household that lives off a $25,000 annual income. It’s not poverty, thank god, but is damn close. Trust me, I empathize with the pain.
The truth is that many of us have no excuses.
Thanks for the encouragement. This lifestyle change is tremendously jarring and challenging, but I gotta do it. I already have osteoarthritis at 25, and I’m so done feeling sorry for myself. My emotional issues are still quite painful, but no one will look after me but me.
Good on her!
It’s a filter that gives anyone Aviators and a mustache. Someone had to make the joke.
Damn!, Andrew. This is a lot of ass for this homo to take. :D
The dog may be tagged, but it’s still not in the kennel.
A similarly-shaped controversy is now brewing among Democrats-
On one hand, she’s someone who gave up being white to be black. That’s some die hard white guilt right there.
Clinton support, you say? Shondaland sounds like a place I should visit.
Not only was Denise’s death stupid and egregious, it set the tone for just how inexplicably bad the remainder of the season would be. Go figure.
Clinton talked about “thugs” and “super-predators,” and Sanders talks about “ghettos.” So at the end of the day, this comes down to trust. Bill Clinton has a ways to go when communicating with dissenting voters, an issue he’s thoughtfully acknowledged recently. But his shortcomings shouldn’t be vicariously punishable…
I’m more disappointed in whoever has still been watching American Idol.
How long do you think it will take for another female fugitive to become the commemorative tenth? C’mon!, ladies. Step it up!
That’s a good question. I know that his long hair was his own, and that Con Air had just been released by the time pre-production for Superman Lives was scheduled, so the timing may explain it. But ultimately, the final version of what we could have expected Cage to look like as The Man of Steel is in the photos I…