Meat Helmet

You know I’ve been kind of wistful about soap operas lately (I haven’t watched in decades) because they brought to batshit to life but you do have a point about spokesmodel level actors. Can’t believe I forgot that part of it. I agree about Gosling too - I don’t think he’s bad but I do not see the appeal. Leto at

Leto’s complete and utter misunderstanding both why and how Heath Ledger prepared for the Joker role was one of my absolute favorite parts of the movie. It shined through every ounce of his performance, I loved the glorious stupidity of it. Really fit the tone of SS, in my eyes.

I reacted to Gosling the way everyone is reacting to Leto. Gosling is a replicant of an actor, Leto is human(and crazy which is still better than robotic and boring). Also why are we complaining about crazy people playing crazy roles? Isn’t that the point? Do we want less? How weak do we all have to be to let a little

And no one reports on the nice cupcakes he gave to the crew on wrap. So it goes.

I’d say the same right back atcha.

Poor guy, are you mad on line?

“I’ve probably been to and seen more of the world than most of you, combined, will ever have a chance to see. In the last three years alone, at that.

Dude your lunch must be cold by now with all that typing.

Are you really this fucking sensitive? Your attitude kind of proves the point about how small and provincial Indy is. Thanks for embarassing the rest of us.

Also, the only restaurant across from the Conrad is a fucking Champs Sports chain. Jesus Christ.

Seriously, your picture pretty much disproves your point. Travel more.

Actually you can have a job without considering it a career. I happen to have what I would consider a career at this point but I didn't take a picture of my boring-ass surroundings on my lunch break to defend Indy as being a great place. Stop being a knob and go be a great, world-traveling (this means going to Disney

For a grown up, 30 something, professional, parent, world traveler who stayed in Indy totally by choice, you sure are butthurt over some internet trolling.......methinks he doth protest too much.

Well couple things. I travel a couple times a year on vacation so I’ve seen a lot of the world. Not that I need to get into a travel pissing contest but you aren’t the only person who travels.

Who wins the pool for “Tireless defender of bland mediocrity stands up to defend bland mediocrity”?

Wait, that wasn’t Topeka Kansas?!? You know you live in a shit hole of a city when you have to take a photo of 3 tall buildings from the ground positioned upwards in order to make people think it is a skyline.

You brag about these ‘regrowth’ areas, yet take a picture of some buildings next to circle center

You chose to take a picture of the Arts Garden an no one on the street to prove a point? You're about a mile away from Mass. Ave, man.

There is not a single person in that photo. Sort of proves his point.

These reader submissions were blander than the state of Indiana.