Meat Helmet

One more thing.... I think it had always been Orange Cunty. (grew up there. )

Just a supposition here - lots of people actively using phones and their wireless Internet to upload data = congested as fuck internet access. When uploads are topping out the available bandwidth a lot of traffic times out.

First they came for my Netflix account, and I did not speak out—
Because I’m already caught up on The X Files and now I’m like “meh.”

I will watch a riot on the internet.

Of course they fucking didn’t. They don’t have the power, and Charter sure as hell isn’t going to voluntarily create an outage. Anyway, like Shaw Shawshank Redemption, an outage always very near.

Kinja fucked! Jez gals I am happy houring in Ft Lauderdale on a ling layover On my way back from jamaica tipsyy! Ack! good!

If you insist:

Then they should just say that. I would understand it.
anything but “I don’t have anything to say about HL3" That is just infuriating.

I think even that would be risky. Fallout 4 had enough time between announcement and release for everyone to salivate over the game and all the new features and upon release people were disappointed because of glitches and the game generally not living up to expectations.

Name a Valve game that’s been heavily anticipated for 12 years and counting...

are you saying Valve doesn’t like money? because HL3 would make them a shitload of money.

The best part, valve can afford to make it, its not like they can't support a studio financially

Maybe that’s the big reveal. They basically plan to just keep raking in cash until they can make Black Mesa itself!

they bought turtle rock and released left 4 dead. I don’t know.

Honesty would have been a lot better than this... 2 years of “it’s coming” followed by 7 of “no comment”

I think the worst part is that he could have just said we weren’t happy with how Episode 3 was turning out and cancelled production.

The best option for them would be to work on it secretly, if possible, and then announce and release the game either on the same day or same week. That way there’s not enough time to really build hype or expectations because people will be too blind sided by the announcement. By the time people get over the excitement

OK, that’s it. This is finally the time where I stop waiting and believing that HL3 will happen. I’ve been waiting for almost 12 years, ever since HL2.