Meat Helmet

Leto is in his prime now as an actor, simply because he now focuses on acting after an 8 year layoff to perform with his band...who are also doing quite well. You’re trying to make him and his group seem like Hootie, a one trick pony that never lived up to their original hype. Everything I stated countered that.

Your arms must be sore from all of the reaching you do. You went from stating that certain artists don’t have them being peer voted and irrelevant. Yet Some of the biggest artists in HISTORY have many like Prince, Madonna and Springsteen. They are legends, you cherry-picking underground artists like VU

I just posted his filmography and he was in absolutely NOTHING of merit when they started, and that debut.album went multiplatinum.

Again, you’re trying to inject your PERSONAL OPINION as fact, and NOTHING you’ve stated so far has refuted my statement of “...he has a band that does fairly well”. Yes, when someone in the music industry sells alot of records, receives music awards from the industry and has successful tours it is generally a

Day Lewis of all people made his co-stars feed him during breaks for “My Left Foot”, and Pacino pulled over a truck driver and attempted to arrest him while filming “Serpico”. Again, as far as Leto went it didn’t put anyone at harm and no one stated he was unprofessional or refused to work with him. Not to mention

??? This was his first role AFTER winning an Oscar. Secondly it’s called “method acting” which means that the actor stays in character the ENTIRE time they are onset, much like he did in “Dallas Buyers Club”. Again, Deniro has done this extensively so even though he went a bit over the top, it wasn’t really anything

Yes, because the industry isn’t made up of fanboys but of actual peers in the business. And below I already pointed out both record sales and concert tickets...and other strawmen you want to attempt, son?

Look, you made an argument that the band sucks based only on YOUR opinion, nothing else. I then linked to achievements awarded to them by the industry, not fan polls. Now look at record sales, for a “side band” they’ve sold over 10 million albums which AGAIN disproves your statement. Should we look at tours now? Here

Is that Magic Johnson?

Weird, so all of the industry awards given them were because they were “My So-Called Life” fans?

Each actor takes a role in whatever direction they feel suits them, and his director supported that. This movie isn’t dragged down by Leto, his participation was limited and not vital to the story or outcome. My point with Gosling is that no one will compare him to DeNiro, Nicholson or Pacino, he’s very monotone and

He was the CLEAR front-runner for best actor that year, it was never considered a surprise. Secondly, it is irrelevant what you think of his band, the fact that they are successful supports my statement.

Leto isn’t that much worse than Gosling who really doesn’t disappear into his roles. He’s good not great, at least Leto is willingly to make drastic changes to his body for the sake of a role.

Seriously, Jared Leto should get his Oscar revoked.

And it was well deserved, Cage is only a has-been in Hollywood because of disatrous investments (and a horrible wig) thus forcing him to take less than savory roles. To Leto’s credit he has a band that does fairly well, and is known as a saavy investor.

Again, dude just won an Oscar which is probably the reason he was even considered for this role, and part of the reason this thing got any hype. They sure as hell weren’t going to see it for Will Smith.

So that’s a bad thing to take something you love so much, you take it seriously? If acting was easy everyone would do it and be successful.

??? Dude just won an Oscar last year!

AND they killed the dog to boot!

I don’t write (c)rap music, but the ability to rhyme “Bacardi” with party, bitches with snitches, then sprinkled in with some Ebonics doesn’t necessarily make one an ‘artist’.