Meat Helmet

“black Twitter” is that a fucking THING? Does it require translations?

Who’s this white bitch?

...not when you’re one of the stars, then you can choose whatever method you want. They knew what they were getting with Leto, hence why they haven’t tried to quash any of this stuff in the press.

Dude you just got schooled, no one aspires to LIVE or MOVE to Cleveland, not for a job, not for nightlife, not to raise a family and certainly not for pro sports. You’re so desparate for relevance you literally let a guy who was born and raised there, give you the finger to go play elsewhere, then welcomed him back

I love his shit-eating grin after!

My wife to this day still wants those sunglasses, but all Meryl knew was they were vintage Versaces:

My wife and I are glued the moment it comes on, one of those movies I could just rewatch over and over again (Jerry Maguire is another!). It really is a good movie and has no boring parts.

Found him!

Dude, it really isn’t. Move to Boston and see how far that goes when a goddamn Cape can easily see $750k in some areas. One can easily consult at $100/hr. in project mgmt. around here, heck I know some guys that make almost $200/hr. and he works mostly remote!

No one ever considered him a “shitty actor”, he plays roles most Hollywood actors would shy away from. And there’s not “lots” of shitty actors, you’re acting like fucking Carrot Top got one. There may be one or two in history that was a headscratcher but surely not “lots”.

I wouldn’t love a daughter that killed someone if I raised them properly.

Yes, alive people do.

...and yet they had proof of texts, search history and calls discussing in detail their plans to commit this MONTHS earlier. Sorry, not done on a whim, this was precalculated and premeditated.

Reports state her and the guy heavily investigated how to rob someone, this was planned awhile back. she was dead inside anyways? Sounds fair!

Not even Detroit or Chiraq, especially when Air Jordans, a gold chain or a ‘disrespectin’ look are at stake!

DeNiro plays the same role over and over again??! Are you serious? So you saw The Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, King of Comedy, Mean Streets, Casino, Good Fellas, The Godfather II, Taxi Driver and Cape Fear and found them all the SAME??!! And Nicholson played the same role in Easy Rider, A Few Good Men, The Shining, One

The point is that they are considered two of the best modern actors, yet the OP is stating “professionals” wouldn’t do the above, as if they are a better actor than the two I listed (they are not).

Really? Pacino pulled over a truck while getting into character for Serpico, and Daniel Day Lewis made people feed him for My Left Foot.

Really, so DeNiro has no imagination??!! One of the best actors EVER who is the most famous method actor isn’t good enough at what he does?