Meat Helmet

...yet the dude just won an Oscar right before this role...playing a trans woman.

Best male tennis player of all time!

Who the fuck is Kim Kardashian? She is literally ONLY famous for a sex tape, she has no record of accomplishment whatsoever. At least Swift actually writes, plays instruments, performs and wins tons of awards when not selling out stadiums.

Yeah, a lyrical Picasso:

Stop throwing that “musical genius” shit around, Tupac isn’t even relevant today, hence why his family continues to try to profit off him with weak ass compilations that wither and die on the charts. Prince was a musical genius, he wrote, produced and played almost 3 dozen instruments not to mention was admired by

It’s actually Rule #2, behind of course “Blame Whitey”!

One and the same.

That’s some Lennon/McCartney right there I gotta say, HAHAHA! He’s a regular Negrodamus!

ONLY because he’s dead, much like Biggie. You could argue that Nas or Tribe put out music originally just as important yet not even part of the conversation.

C’mon, everyone knows black people have that market cornered, it’s engrained from birth...I mean “birf”.

Dude, Jordan’s teammates were better because of him, Pippen didn’t exactly light it up post-Jordan and Rodman came from another team just to play with one is doing that for Lebron...actually he was the one trying to leave Cleveland to form some ‘super team’ when he couldn’t win.

Can’t wait ‘til this site goes bankrupt and we don’t have to put up with anymore of your race-baiting bullshit articles.

I would too if I saw that fucking outfit!

Poehler isn’t exactly burning up the big screen nowadays. And if Arnet was in a serious relationship with a woman Amy’s age no one would be attacking him. Face it, he was the better-looking in that couple and most people after lomg-term relationships play the field. He’s dating young starlets BECAUSE HE CAN.

Christ, let’s be honest here, no one and I mean NO ONE looked at Poehler as “that hot chick on SNL”, he was clearly the better looking of the two. He has a decent enough career that he isn’t going anywhere soon, so why not let the guy enjoy being single and dating hot chicks. You act like Poehler is some comedy legend

It’s truly a shame that this is what now constitutes summer jams/’music’. This shit couldn’t shine the shoes of “The Reflex” by Duran Duran or anything off of Purple Rain, let alone “Jessie’s Girl”.

“This’ll be yuuuuge! Get me Rodman and Rivers on the phone!”

Which Whitney did they use? The cokehead one with a strained voice?

Wow...remember when Mariah wasn’t chubby and dressed age-appropriate?

Great first and last date movie! And if she DOES make it to the end and says “let’s watch it again!”...MARRY HER!!