Meat Helmet

No one is addressing the real tragedy that is those $100 bill pajama pants in that pic.

“I’m not a woman, I’m not a man I am something that you’ll never understand”


That’s actually funny!

I just find it funny that people think Prince was actually human like us!

Ironically, now at Stones concerts they throw bottles of Geritol!

Here is my Prince memory: He was touring for “Lovesexy” and of course there were a ton of people waiting outside for tickets for his two upcoming shows. Over the PA system they were announcing what level of seating was left, and as I got near the front it was ‘second balcony’ which was literally the last option left

Jackson’s “somewhat” overrated, all of his solo success came ONLY with Quincy Jones, he could BARELY play guitar and once Q left he went downhill quickly. Great dancer, great performer with a good voice but his personality, dogged rumors and obsession with plastic surgery knock him down a notch to me.

Kid looks like it’s Lebron’s!

Seriously, is that the best Serena pic you could find? Reminds me of this:

I bet some have a happy ending, amirite??

Your marriage sounds solid...and I’m serious, hahaha!

Yes, when the 6s plus came out this was the only color sold out everywhere.

That blond girl is smokin’ hot! She’s literally a blond Phoebe Cates!

I thought he was gay, but is married with a wife and kids!

You can get a decent high mileage Honda Civic for under $2k.

Unless you aren’t handy why would anyone want to rent something that can increase on a whim without improvements? Tenant at will in MA means I can raise your rent to what ever I “feel” the market will bear, and every year you could be sent packing...or lining my pockets.

...not by choice usually. Most mortgages are lower than rents, not to mention tax write-offs. As a former landlord, renting IMO is foolish unless you move around a lot, worse if you have children. If you have a great landlord, then yes it can be beneficial but in most big cities with high rents that’s an oxymoron.