Meat Helmet

Not necessarily, although the housing market can be volatile short term, long term it tends to benefit you not to mention can be used as a tax write-off. Renting in ANY big city without rent control is a constant gamble, and very hard to budget for. One year it can be $1400, and the next almost double “just because”,

I went with this instead:


I compare her “somewhat” to Chris Farley, in that she plays up her weight to great comedic effect and isn’t afraid to (no pun intended) confront the elephant in the room i.e. “overweight person becomes the hero”. In his SNL days his weight was the main focus, lots of ‘too tight clothes/belly showing/fall on my face’

My wife to me re: toilet seat

Little ones I presume?

Rob doesn’t look too good in that pick, I thought he lost a bunch of weight? It just puts extra stress on his heart...well, that and being related to these ladies.

Scroll up, I CLEARLY laid out supporting arguments with actual LINKS, unlike everyone else who just kept saying “you don’t know what you’re talking about/that’s racist”.

(Spoiler alert) It ended with a bang!

No it doesn’t, the divorce WAS in August!!! Hence why there were tons of articles showing shock that no one knew he was cheating w/the nanny!!

Never mentioned white people, I’m actually referring to blacks who constantly downplay the issue while doing nothing to actually resolve it, let alone act like it has zero burden financial or otherwise on anyone BUT themselves, as if this is happening in some vacuum. You all whine like bitches about compassion and

What worked? It was the lowest selling debut of her career! Ancient history which is the exact same situation as now. And you stated “...The tabloid stories weren’t about her sad divorce” of which I then printed a tabloid story about her sad divorce.

The implication is that people that state “white bitches” are less than lady-like.

Yeah, I’m racist because I posted FACTUAL DATA from our own US govt.!You know what, if you have so much compassion and concern about these issues, what exactly are you doing to help combat them, huh? Are you moving your family to one of these warzones to help teach them? Are you taking any of them in and mentoring