Meat Helmet

Can’t back up?? I JUST provided you a link showing it to be the #2 cause of divorce!! How is that not a majority when it is 28% of all reasons for divorce and the ones you put higher are far lower??

I understand “for you”, but to act incredulously that infidelity isn’t that big an issue in a relationship isn’t the norm. Otherwise, open marriages wouldn’t be looked upon as odd here in America, not to mention basically go against all wedding vows. Most people wouldn’t even CONSIDER marrying someone who cheated on

Facts show it is the #2 cause of divorce in this country:

A) Who the hell do you think you’re speaking for? There isn’t a fucking soul here supporting you

??? The very meaning of relationship goes against infidelity:

Clippers aren’t a train wreck though. Lakers will suck for awhile.

Why doesn’t she just BUY Adobe with all of the excessive Photoshopping she does?

That’s why they call her “BeYawnce”! She doesn’t have an original bone in those thunder thighs.

Because one’s a groundbreaking pioneer and the other is a moderately talented person married to a misogynist rapper.

Uh no...fairly attractive maybe but without Photoshop and her team of stylists IMHO “super hot” is a stretch.

That is one homely fucking dude.

Nope, and you have ZERO to back up your lame theory, unlike me:

Nope, the chrome on the taillights is INSIDE the lens.

I think you mean “white women get threatened by black men while dating them”

They state she was moonlighting at a second job, which is Nintendo-speak for: “Our princess is in another castle”

Will there be an English version of this article?

What the fuck did I just watch??!!

“Inflight Open Bar regrets”

Is that you Mark Wahlberg?