Meat Helmet

You know what would be awesome?

This album is InZayn!

Right, but to make the comment “I didn’t know my memory was on trial” when that is the ONLY thing they can go on is absurd. Not to mention they were caught lying which was the reason for the judgement.

Man, to me she’s the worst. Totally oblivious to the fact she literally hit the lottery marrying a BH plastic surgeon, she acts like she had some sort of burgeoning acting career that somehow has contributed to their wealth!

I mean, I understand how people can be sexually assaulted/raped by someone they know and “compartmentalize” it, then continue on as if nothing happened somewhat. But to not think comments/actions made like this = “I didn’t know my memory was on trial” is a bit troubling. Absent audio or video, THAT’S exactly what’s on

You can’t spell “Neo” without Elton:

Please tell me his last name is “Soze”!

This is what confuses me:

Mic drop, egg drop...whatever.

Was Madea in the Old or New Testament?

“job on Wall St.”

Maybe, if not for the curiosity factor after not having attended for so long?

I think some of that is their fear that you no longer have something relatable i.e. “overweight/weight struggles” and that they will be own their own or lose your friendship. Some also could be jealousy or even anger that you somehow are rejecting that lifestyle and in a way rejecting them too, or even looking down on

I agree, but Moore’s statement had nothing to do with that, WTA brings in nowhere near the money and men’s tennis provides this cushion.

...because she’s white, that’s the ONLY reason anyone here takes issue with it. Fuck, this guy was given free (Purple) reign from the age of 18 to do whatever he wanted with Warner Bros. money, and over a decade later he was scrawling SLAVE on his face...because his contract from his recording company stated they

Did you have a problem when Prince wrote it on his face against Warner Bros.??

Of course women tennis players are equal to men....despite none on the Tour would be able to beat ANY male in the Top 200, and women only have to play best of 3 while mens’ matches are typically much longer because they have to play the best of 5.

No shit...and she even admitted she couldn’t beat someone in the men’s top 200!