Meat Helmet

Fresh Beets aka Three-Fifths Compromise in 3....2....1.......

This is “Fresh Beets”, known racist troll that just creates new accounts when inevitably banned.

NBA Finals?

Irony defined! How many accounts have you had now?

C’mon “Fresh Beets”, are you still trotting out this tired “whitey is scared of us” shtick? Seriously? Fear is based on a lack of knowledge, power or money....three things white America has TEN FOLD.

...and that ALL sportscasters hence forth refer to Joe Flacco as “elite”.

Mars DOES need women!

He really is a good teacher!

TIL: her pet name for Chris Brown is “wrong thong”

...because I’ve been here all of a month if that you clown. I don’t even have to go to your other posts to see TWO people in this very topic disparaging your argument! Anyone can smell idiots like you from a mile away that post with the only intent to get upvotes, it’s almost like you practice the best way to type

Thank you! I didn’t know this actually happened...apologies!

What?? What does one have to do with the other? That’s like saying a girl isn’t considered raped if she has sex shortly thereafter.

This guy sounds presidential!

...what’s more amazing is your complete lack of punctuation, not to mention logic. Secondly YOU were the one claiming this fucking site as YOURS which is a bigger joke looking at your comments and people attacking them HERE, proving literally no one here cares about you!Now you make the lame attempt with the “pigpile

“best girl group OF ALL TIME!!!

You mean that Stephen Hawkings flick?

Cracker separation = white guilt

“no one cares what you think, dude.”