Meat Helmet

Yes, they do and simply clicking on my name and upvoted posts proves you wrong yet again. This is why you’ve been alone so long, you always think you’re right, and interject yourself into others’ conversations...your posts bear this out extensively. Alone and bitter is no way to sludge through life.

Oh boy is this getting messy. In theory she has every right to say no, regardless of whether it’s the 4th time or 50th time although in a ‘legal’ case it can diminish credibility somewhat. I guess the question is what her mindset was a year later, or what became of their relationship after this episode. The issue I

As Must See as Real Housewives of Miami...

“You said you consider yourself a black woman, like why not just be Dominican?”

I’m starting to wonder if apps like Tinder et al are better or worse on how they shape people’s attitudes towards sex and relationships, it all seems so very shallow and organic. I work with a group of girls ranging in age from late 20s to mid 40s who all get a kick out of how easy it is to just swipe and meet guys

I posted in ONE FUCKING ARTICLE in the Yale rape, and the police have no rape kit, no arrest for the kid, no charges against him just a college kicking him out but not commenting on WHY!!! I mean, we all see how the accused Duke kids turned out right moron?

HAHAHA!! Fucking precious, because I was supporting males that get abused, this somehow pisses you off because that somehow takes all of the attention away from women being abused...regardless of it happening to men altogether! Because women don’t abuse men...ever! HAHAHA!!!

Just watched “The Devil Wears Prada” and kept trying to think who could’ve been a better fit...she flat out OWNS that movie!

Good for him...

If you’re sexuality involves being a ‘giver’ (in this ad-hoc sense), and your goods are deemed unacceptable, what is there for you? What good are you?

I know, I was mocking him question his sexuality because of this!


TIL gay men all have small penises!

Dare to dream!

Yeah, I look more like an asshole for supporting the OP’s opinion that men also get sexually harassed, but you don’t for going on incessantly about a total stranger being overweight based on....nothing. You are actually trying to defend fat shaming as ok if it pertains to a stereotype! Furthermore you find fat people

No one cares if you’re impressed or not.

Mike Tyson went to jail for rape, was never really the same after that.

You sure? I thought those posters put up around campus calling him a rapists were first...