
I am genuinely surprised by how decent his hairline is. I assumed the whole thing was a swoopy comb over. 

A couple of years ago my girlfriend’s car got hit by a landscaping truck. It took something like 3 weeks to fix despite being a just Corolla with a messed up bumper. A couple of days before it was going to be ready we had a road trip planned and took the loaner on a 1,500 mile road trip. They weren’t super happy. 

It’s not just older people, it is people who don’t have and often can’t get bank accounts due to KYC / AML rules put in place after 9/11. It is too expensive for banks to open accounts for many people so they are stuck relying on cash.

The idea that setting up and running this would be even in the ballpark of simplicity of having stores take cash is not correct. I would certainly prefer your solution but it is way more difficult.

Trying to find out the name of someone’s business so you can make a show of not going there is 100x bigger pompous dipshittery.

Home Depot and Lowe’s are by far the worst for self checkouts. There have been multiple times I have been in there with zero normal checkouts staffed. Combined with the fact that people are buying all kinds of small odds and ends w/o UPC codes on them and it blows.

Yep - big shopping trip = regular checkout. Small trip = self checkout. The fact that you can fit eight self checkouts in the space of one regular checkout is the best part.

I bought a Sony phone. It was only $200 and so far it has been great. If you are the kind of person who is super concerned about the bezels it is not for you though.

That sounds like a colossal waste of resources. 

As someone who lived in Chicago for almost ten years without a car, I know that you cross where you can and try to figure out for yourself where it is going to be safe. Trying to only go to a crosswalk where the cars still don’t give a shit about you isn’t always the best solution.

The “best healthcare in world history” doesn’t mean shit when you can’t afford to access it.

Uh no, not everyone was searching that stuff out. The vast majority of people actively avoid it. If you like watching stuff like that good for you, but don’t assume that is the norm.

They're generally pretty good at making it abundantly clear that they're homophobic without the need for an armband. 

“Is the day coming when the left will make all Bible believing Christians wear an armband marked ‘homophobe’? “ Uh, no. For the same reason the nazis wouldn’t have made Jews wear a star of David if they constantly reminded everyone that they were Jewish. 

I have crashed an escooter zero times. In 2016 over 100 people a day died in car accidents in the US alone. That doesn’t include the drastically higher number of people seriously injured. But let’s all freak out about this.

Minor spoiler ahead......

You're taking about cars right? 

I hate to blame the victim here but this is accurate. Wells Fargo is a terrible company and no one should be a customer of theirs.

That reminds me I really need to cash out that $1.73 they owe me.