
Anyone who is still a Lions fan at this point absolutely deserves every minute of shitty football they serve up. I’m not going to pretend like I’m a genius since it took 20 some years for me to renounce my fandom halfway though their last playoff game against the Seahawks, but it was one of the best choices I ever

Atlanta is the highest city of those 3 at 1,050 feet. That’s probably not enough of a difference to matter. OKC is a little bit higher than them but then again you only get one team there to compare.

That’s nuts. I guess I did realize you can sometimes see it, but it’s insane how quickly he is able to see that. That run was ridiculously lucky for him to be able to get that so quickly and then all of the times he took damage in Hell and miraculously didn’t die. 

It also includes part time employees. If I have two part time jobs to make ends meet, and quit one, all of a sudden Amazon owes extra taxes because I now need assistance. 

How did he find the black market so easily?

I took one of these this week to dinner and walked back. The trip there took 10 minutes, walking back was 40.

We have these where I live, and they’re pretty great. As an example, I took one to meet a friend for dinner this week. $3 and ten minutes later I was there - basically the same amount of time a car would have taken with zero emissions. I would normally have ridden my bike but it was hot as shit out.

Where does it say there was a prior agreement? I can’t find that in this article or the links.

I feel like we’re agreeing here. Average people buy used cars - $35,000 new cars are not affordable for most Americans. 

I did this as well and it was great. Even though you can customize it to avoid the bullshit I just didn’t, or couldn’t help myself from wading into the terrible replies. I relapsed the other week and found a coworker’s twitter and good lord did I want to punch him in the face when I got back to the office. 

Not to mention a $35k car is not for the masses. That is an incredibly irresponsible purchase for the vast majority of Americans. 

Let's add people who judge others on their appearance to that list.

I feel the same about other people’s children. People should leave both at home.

That’s an interesting detail that was left out of the story here. Knocking on a window thinking it is an Uber driver and banging on multiple windows and punching a guy are two pretty different things. 

All of these things apply to cars too, but we never seem to question them.

You mean like assholes in 3,000 pound metal boxes do constantly? The ones that kill 40,000 people a year in the US alone? The idea that bikers are all flying through red lights with their eyes closed mowing down pedestrians needs to die.

It doesn’t sound like that at all. The article says absolutely nothing about that. 

It’s wild to me that any retailer will even accept a check as a form of payment.

There are two reasons that you see this happen constantly:
1) The dealers are idiots who don’t take any time to verify the information they send to the classified sites.
2) The classified sites refuse to push back on dealers who post blatantly wrong things because they are being paid by the dealerships.

It's probably your company. Jobs like Salesforce or JIRA or whatever administrator go away the moment the person in charge sets things up correctly. They're incentivised to constantly screw things up.