Yeah, so glad the dude is going away for 30 years, as this type of behavior can absolutely be deterred if people start going to prison, but it makes the lack of a murder conviction a little more understandable.
Yeah, so glad the dude is going away for 30 years, as this type of behavior can absolutely be deterred if people start going to prison, but it makes the lack of a murder conviction a little more understandable.
I don’t believe that’s what happened, as all the casings were found in the car. From the linked article:
People getting prison time for this is 100% a trend we should hope continues. Perfect isn’t the enemy of better.
I clicked back through the link, and it gave the impression that he all three shots came from inside the car, and that they don’t believe he shot him after standing over him.
Didn’t the previous article clarify that they actually don’t believe he stood over him, and shot again? It doesn’t matter, either way, and happy the idiot is going away, but if that actually happened, that’s fucking wild.
They didn’t tell you what your reality was. They said your statement was fucking stupid, because it was. If you want to limit it to men you’ve been with, you could have said that. You didn’t, thus the reason for the pushback. Just clarify what you meant as opposed to getting huffy, you fucking parody.
No, of course he’s not saying she encouraged an enviroment would be saying that word, specifically, but rather one where fans are terrible, and willing to yell slurs at players while spitting on them.
This shit’s been around way longer than that.
1. The fact he’s had more success was not relevant, as he knew prior to the voting.
This is exactly right, and a perfect way to put it. There is a transition period when you bring the ball from your hands to your body, and in super slow-mo, that’s how it’s ALWAYS going to look.
This logic makes no sense. Who is forcing you to watch sports on the TVs at bars that aren’t sports bars? It’s fucking impossible to watch anything else on TVs without sound except sports, and you don’t have to watch the TVs at all.
Funny you mention ‘patriotism.’ Sports fandom, at its best, is a healthy outlet for our natural feeling tribislistic tendencies. Much, much healthier than misguided notions of patriotism.
You kidding me? He’s like the patron saint of the slightly backwards white bro who loves college football. There are so many of them.
I like Embiid, but fail to see what is badass about dunking on a guy that is 8 inches shorter than you when he’s not even jumping.
This is a good and apt comparison. You seem very smart, and reasonable.
Holy shit, you’re bad at this. Stunningly bad, and really unfunny.
You’re a self-righteous idiot because you clearly and intentionally misrepresented what he said in order to claim that he was ‘defending’ rapists. And here’s the thing: I didn’t even agree with the main point of his comment. I’m just not a stupid and dishonest asshole like yourself. You misrepresented what he said so…
Do you really think this approach is honest in any way, or helpful to actual victims in any way? I’m going to go way out on a limb and guess that you don’t give a single shit about either, and are simply concerned about your own feelings of self-righteousness.
Nearly all the people in these situations are doctors. It’s possible that it’s racism, but your comment is very strange. I mean, surely they were aware she was black and a doctor when she was originally going to be assigned to the space station. Again, neither you nor I are in a position to say it’s not racism, but…
The sideline interference was 100% not legit. If you think it was after watching the replay, there is something wrong with the way you watch football.