Kony Tornheiser

I don’t agree that the NFL rigs any games for the Patriots, but A and B are not contradictory in any way, as long as you can imagine that the evidence for A was overwhelming that they couldn’t sweep it under the rug.

Whoa, no, this is being way too generous. Abortion wasn’t even a huge issue for evangelicals until relatively recently. There happens to be a strong correlation between religiosity and tribalistic bigotry. Evangelicals don’t give a shit about morals. They care about punishing the other.

The fact that muscle weighs more than fat explains why he’s not 100 lbs. heavier than Jay Cutler. It doesn’t explain why they’d be the same weight.

The only way the weight is close is if he’s actually 2-3 inches shorter. The only way the height is close is if he’s 20-30 lbs. heavier.

Drop your phone off at a morgue or emercency room to fuck with her.

Rationalizing what sounds like a fucking terrible relationship by pretending it’s ‘adult’ is cute.

Cool memes.

People being stupid and intellectually dishonest will always get replies. The things I’ve been accused of in his thread (for being correct):

You’re an idiot or wildly dishonest here. The question being asked here is what is the most likely thing that happened here BASED ON THE INFORMATION RELEASED.

Turns out it was an episode brought in my medication, which was 1,000x more likely given the evidence in this very story. Anyone who read this and thought the most likely cause was a drugging and raping is not very good at critical thinking.

Insulting you for being stupid in no way implies I’m trying to be a badass.

Oh, and look at the latest update. You’re probably shocked that it was a reaction to medication because you’re stupid.

I’m fine disagreeing with idiots. Just don’t respond as though you were taking some imaginary high road in your head.

It is not reasonable for this to be the first conclusion based on the available evidence. The fact you’re trying to paint this as me being unaware about violence against women makes you wildly dishonest or very stupid.

You’re either the dumbest person ever or the most boring troll ever.

If this is serious, you’re quite literally the dumbest person ever.

I’m astonished you’re astonished that I’m astonished.

Literally nothing I’ve said would give the impression that I’m trying to be a ‘badass.’

Not sure what to tell you. I’m astonished that someone could read the available information, and have their first guess be that she was kidnapped, drugged, and raped. I think that shows a detachment from reality, and a mindset that perceives threats everywhere. I mean, there is literally nothing to indicate she was

Because the fact she was found alone, unharmed, and the fact she was spotted solo in a mall gives the clear impression of some mental health episode, or something involving substance abuse. Maybe you’re not familiar with these topics, but the fact they are exponentially more common than kidnappings only adds to the