Kony Tornheiser

This is the definition of hypocrisy (another definition you’re confused on):

It’s baffling you’re struggling with this. I realize bullfighting is wrong, just as I realize that it’s wrong every time I eat factory farm meat. That doesn’t make me a hypocrite. It makes all the idiots here with their faux-outrage hypocrites and too stupid to see their obvious cognitive dissonance.

Yes? I don’t take back any single word I’ve written. I’m clearly pointing out hypocrisy of the indignation.

I stand by the part in quotes above. It’s A) obviously not a straw man, and B) clearly not an argument in favor of killing animals for sport.

You can’t be serious any longer.

Correct. That is not mischaracterizing anyone’s position. It’s pointing out the hypocrisy in their indignation.

A2 is not what I said, and I never came close to defending bullfighting.

Glad you’re willing to admit it.

I have not mischaracterized anyone’s argument. You can claim my argument is a irrational, fallacious, or that it misses the point. That does NOT make it a straw man. This isn’t complicated. You’re just stupid.

I’ve actually been quite clear with my arguments multiple times in the thread. If you’re really ready to discuss the substance, instead of just being unfunny and dishonest, we can give it a go:

You’re really still trying to insist this is a straw man? You have to be fucking around at this point. Literally no one can be this dumb.

I realize you don’t agree with the my argument.

Is this your idea of a ‘burn?’

You’re stupendously unfunny. You don’t get an A for effort, either. It’s pathetic.

It’s literally not what was done. I really can’t comprehend how you can be this stupid, but I give up.

YES, you fucking idiot, I was giving an example of a stupid and terrible argument, and saying that even if I made an argument that bad, it still wouldn’t be a straw man.

Yes, that is the definition. You’re an idiot. How do you not see how that is different?

Holy shit, you’re literally the dumbest person ever.

I’m not sure how else to say this, but let me try again: even if my comment was 100% false or fallacious, that is not what a straw man is. How can you be this stupid?

The difference between my witless comments, and your witless comments is that I’m not trying to be witty. You’re one of these people who mistakes being sarcastic or facetious with being ‘funny.’