This response makes no sense, but feel free to try to point out where I’ve been dishonest.
This response makes no sense, but feel free to try to point out where I’ve been dishonest.
There are already laws on the books for things like ‘incitement.’
Strongly disagree with your first paragraph.
No fucking shit. That’s why my very first fucking sentence reads the way it does.
No fucking shit. Go read my fucking comment again, and pay particular attention to the first fucking sentence, you goddamn moron.
No, I want people to be honest. I know it’s expecting a lot, but people should at least try to address the words that people actually write.
I’m not looking for someone to ‘blanket agree’ with me. I’m looking for intellectually honest people who are willing to address what people actually write.
Christ, how the fuck am I missing that?
I don’t consider the response all that reasonable. The comment clearly seemed to imply that I gave the impression Twitter didn’t have that right, or that I suggested that he/she wasn’t able to give people shit. And if those two things aren’t implied, how does the statement make sense as a response?
If you were to outlaw certain types of hate speech, all of a sudden, the govt. is Twitter, and what makes something ‘hate speech’ could largely depend on who’s in charge, and who is being the loudest.
Oh, we agree. Great.
How did I clarify myself? By pointing out that you addressed something I clearly didn’t say? How could you not gather that on your own by reading my fucking comment?
Who said you don’t have that right?
I have a reason: you responded to me in a way that made no sense, and clearly implied that I said something I didn’t.
I thought I made that pretty fucking clear with the very first sentence in my comment above.
Twitter is free to boot people off their site/app for violating terms, obviously, but to clarify, I think everybody should want to protect speech in a legal sense, even when it’s terribly racist, right?
We should criticize anyone doing that (regarding the grief). Let’s have at them. Where are they?
This is a silly (and intellectually dishonest) conversation, so let’s start here and go from there: what is the legitimate criticism of Obama or anyone making similar pleas?
I never said rape was only a feminist issue, so don’t understand your first paragraph as a response to me at all. I’m referring to feminist issues in general, as the piece touches on them in general.
It clearly works with some people.