Kony Tornheiser

Yeah, I really have no idea why I was such an Oilers fan as a child. If I’m being honest with myself as a now 33 year old man - I’m guessing it’s because I loved their uniforms, and I thought their offense was really cool. And Warren Moon is a great name.

Because I was a huge Oilers fan until I was 12, and the Rams moved to my hometown of St. Louis, and became a huge Rams fan.

I rooted against the team with the black QB the last four years. The first three because I fucking hate the Seahawks and 9ers. This year because I took the Broncos and the points.


I’m a huge Rams fan, and I know St. Louis homelessness well. I also know people’s desire to really like Chris Long (because he’s so fucking cool) while being slightly disappointed with his performance.

Thanks for the info. You got a link for a source outside the podcast? Not doubting you, just would like to read it.

Yes, exactly.

Your family being your alibi is not ‘sketchy’ without any other evidence of lying or deceit. There was literally no evidence that pointed to Don.

Oh, it is? People said the same thing about lighting up the puck for NHL games, and history still hasn’t stopped laughing at those schmucks.

Many of the Fast and Furious movies have stars that are POC.

I’ll ask again: what crime did Kratz commit?

Not unique behavior from prosecuting attorneys. At all. Many don’t even understand false confessions themselves, which is clearly depressing.

This response makes zero sense, and you are answering a question I didn’t ask.

I bet you’re relieved that you’re still able to feel indignant about what he said.

He’s making a pretty unequivocal statement, but you still have a critique of it, eh?

What evidence do you believe he knows was tainted? The key?

Let’s say a prosecutor was faced with a case in which he believed the defendant was factually guilty, but he had to deal with a police or sheriff’s department that fucked up the investigation, and likely/possibly planted evidence. How do you think a prosecutor should act in that case? Why would it be unethical to

Like what, specifically?

Right, but you were referring to the words said during trial. Saying that EVEN if the key was planted, he should still be found guilty might be dumb, might be wrong, but I don’t view that as unethical or scumbag-ish.

I don’t think he’s incompetent, either.