Kony Tornheiser

Not following how this is a response to my comment. I never claimed Kratz was a great dude.

In regards to saying it wouldn’t matte if the key was planted, that might be wrong, and it might be dumb, but it’s not unethical.

Well, now you’re making a claim he’s uniquely incompetent, which is a bit of a different discussion.

Again, I doubt very much you’d see much difference between him and any other prosecutor. Not an excuse, but just making note of how convenient it is.

I agree framing a guilty man is wrong and Kratz acted unethically with the press conference, but he seems like such an overly pat villian for so many people. I doubt very much he had any direct knowledge of any framing, and I think people would have made a villian out of any prosecutor who happened to prosecute the

In prison for what, exactly?

What words, specifically?

Not following. You’re not giving what?

Gotcha. I agree that there was planted evidence, but also believe it’s vet likely Avery did it. So, I think he should have been found not guilty, or at least deserves another trial, but if I was a betting man, and I am, I’d bet that Avery knows exactly what happened to Halbach.

Do you truly believe that Kratz was an accomplice in a framing of Steve Avery? Meaning, do you believe he knows that Avery was framed, Kratz had knowledge of this, and was complicit? If so - based on what?

You’re a parody.

So one should be convicted of harrassment if someone contacts the police? That would be a wonderful standard to set. Very smart.

These are the dumbest comments ever. My god.

Judicial mansplaining?! Holy shit, you’re a parody.

One doesn’t have to be an MRA to be terrified of a society where there is a low bar to be charged with an online crime such as this.

Offensive, vulgar, and wrong is thankfully not enough to get a person convicted of a crime.

Stupendlously moronic.

In fairness - it was the only thing I had to judge you by! I’m sure you’re swell.

This is an astoundingly dumb comment. Yes, nearly without exception, the ‘chokers’ in the league are almost unviersally 7 foot freaks with little to no polish.

My O’Neal bias is so evident? You are literally a crazy person. I just said his joke was unfunny, and completely hacky. I have no particular affinity to O’Neal whatsoever. Out of the comedians from the video, Liebman would by far be my favorite.