Kony Tornheiser

In what way is it absurdly cherry-picked? Genuinely asking. Are there other covers of men they left out that are more similar to Serena?

Regardless of the validity of that statement (most authors, do, I think), how is that statement relevant? Genuinely asking - not being snarky.

That’s silly if you believe that. Who is your team? Would you like me to prove otherwise?

Philip Roth is my favorite living American writer (along with McCarthy). I also love ‘Middlesex’ by Eugenides. Chabon is okay, but the only thing of his I’ve read was Kavalier and Clay.

I once got BestFansStL to retweet me by trolling with, “I wish Darren Wilson would have shot Mike Matheny instead of Mike Brown,” after some managerial blunder.

I don’t know enough to say whether a white kid would or wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction if everything else was the exact same, as I don’t know exactly what transpired once they asked him about it. Neither do you. That doesn’t mean I don’t think there is anti-Muslim bigotry in this country, as there clearly is,

This is a really bizarre series of comments.

“What makes Halloween decorations, like severed fingers and heads, any different than a clock that looks like bomb?”

I never said the entire reaction was justified - only that your framing is dishonest.

They never thought it was a bomb. They thought by the way his clock looked, and his replies (or lack thereof) when questioned about it, that he brought it in because it looked like a bomb.

You’re like a Gawker commenter parody account. Every comment perfectly calculated to appeal to the most amount of Gawker comments. It’s impressive. Sad and pathetic, but impressive, nonetheless.

You believe that she wants to make sure men can rape with impunity?

Right, the fact you keep referring to the population of the state as opposed to recognizing these are two different markets makes you sound very, very dumb. Your first comment was stupid, and every subsequent comment is your DESPERATELY trying to make it seem not stupid.

These are just a weird series of comments - do you see anyone here denying that Kroenke wants to move to LA for money? You have changed your argument because you know the first one was silly. You originally tried to claim “OMG HOW CAN MISSOURI HAVE TWO TEAMS,” almost as if you’re unaware how geography works.

And because, despite its size, LA isn’t a great market for NFL football.

I’m a Rams fan and jack off to a poster of Mrs. Frontiere on a nightly basis, but that doesn’t answer the question as to why they left LA. I’m simply making the point that if market size alone is all that matters, LA wouldn’t be sitting without a team for this long.

Has anyone ever denied that Kroenke wants to go to LA for money?

The fact you’re hung up on state borders is really, really bizarre.

If that is all that matters, why did the Rams leave LA to begin with?

And if she came to prominence in the year 2015, a large segment of the left would likely treat her like they do Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Which is to say - they’d abandon all their liberal principles and accuse her of bigotry, despite the fact she’s bigoted against oppression.