Kony Tornheiser

Totally agree on the double standard. I recently said that if I was a woman on social media, I’d likely have already lost my job, and if I had kids, they would have already been taken away. And this doesn’t just apply to drinking, but really, the types of jokes one can make.

Oh, okay lol!!!!!

Just see how much water it displaces.

Yeah, except did you ever think that access to all this stuff could be severely limited, and while it’s possible that yes, one could ‘print 800+ different kinds of point trackers and tables via the internet,’ it’s also more time consuming and a genuine pain in the ass for busy people? I don’r really know shit about

I don’t know - I suppose I just think that in my committed relationships, there were times when both of us might have sex despite not really feeling up for it. I didn’t or don’t feel violated in these instances, but it’s certainly possible we’re talking about similar, but not identical scenarios.

Serious question: don’t most women commit this type of rape, too?

Yes. I think it’s also important to note that even someone that isn’t outwardly racist, or doesn’t have conscious racist thoughts, still has implicit biases that come out in these confrontations. The evidence bears this out. The bias is even held by black people themselves. We have no chance until we can acknowledge

Read harder.

Furthermore, even the Americans that sit around and pretend it’s simply a problem with out of control police miss the point. America granted them this power, and for this reason. We are responsible for this. The overreaching police power was given to keep the undesirables (see: blacks) in check, and only when it

The events were clearly a net positive in his life.

This response makes no sense.

Christ, this has been discussed many times. Of course I understand what punitive damages are, and no, I don’t think that amount would even be fair for punitive damages, as A) the amount would impact current students, and B) that amount would not be necessary to deter future districts from being idiotic with their zero

Yes. Still easily a net positive in his life.

No,I didn’t. Your command of the English language is awful. You said that ‘so people are not fame whores.’ I assume that was a typo and you meant ‘some,’ in which case I agree - some people are not fame whores.

1. Dishonest, as you clearly knew he wasn’t 12. This very article refers to him as a teen.

My thinking in no way runs contrary to what I wrote.

1. He’s not 12. Why the continued dishonesty?

Sure, my original reply was to the OP who claimed he hopes he gets all 15 million.

Who said otherwise?

Umm, right. That’s why the charges were dropped, thankfully.